robust multiple sparce canonical correlation analysis
As described in the manuscript, Robust Sparse Multiple Canonical Correlation by J. Coleman, J. Replogle, G. Chandler and J. Hardin. Available at
The functions needed in the analysis are the following:
- scca.CVperm (does the cross validation and permutation -- all the work to get over curse of dimensionality)
- scca.function (does the thresholding for calculating lambda values. Very important function for scca.CVperm)
- sample.sigma12.function (calculates the cross covariance matrix, K)
- Cov.suped (makes the correlation matrices for X and Y)
- sim.setup (simulates the data!)
- build.B (generates the relationships between X and Y)
- parse.breast (count things from the breast cancer results)
- interpret.results.curveonly (uses the Q-permutation curve to count positives / negatives)
- results (more parsing output)
- results.helper (more parsing output)
- determine.true.vals (for the blocking)
- generates null data with k=0 (i.e., B==0). Only uses the first CC to determine if anything is called significant.
- type I error is calculated using null_results.R
- Uses the .csv files from the PMA package.
- the main function doing the work is scca.CVperm
- the output contains the list of coefficients and correlations for both spearman and pearson
- Simulates data, runs the RMSCCA code, counts things like "complete groups", false positives, etc. Output is as given by interpret_results_curveonly.R.
- Data is parsed and plotted using plot_results.R.