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[EN] Multiplayer Plus

JBSAN3 edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 11 revisions

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1 - Interface

BeatSaberPlus_MultiplayerPlus_Interface1 BeatSaberPlus_MultiplayerPlus_Interface2

2 - General settings

BeatSaberPlus_MultiplayerPlus_SettingsLobby BeatSaberPlus_MultiplayerPlus_SettingsGameplay BeatSaberPlus_MultiplayerPlus_SettingsAvatar BeatSaberPlus_MultiplayerPlus_SettingsCommands

3 - Chat commands

User commands


Example: !room

Will display in your chat the current room Code.

4 - OBS integration (Room code)

  1. In OBS, add a Text (GDI+) source.
  2. In the properties of that new source, enable "Read from file" and select the file at this location:
  1. Edit the visual properties to get a look you like.

Configuring the content of the text file

Find the BeatSaberPlus.ini file in your UserData folder in your BeatSaber installation.


In that file, there are one line you can edit:

Property Description Example
RoomCodeFormat Formatting of message Current room code %c

In the format, you can specify variables.

Variables Description Example
%c Code of the room GUV87

For example, you can set the format like this:

"RoomCodeFormat": "Current room code %c",

and the text file will look like this:

Current room code GUV87

5 - OBS integration (Leaderboard overlay)

Get the link of the overlay

Get the overlay of your choice, per example from :

Follow the steps for the setup of the overlay so it looks the way you want (Scale, Position, …) and copy the link given

Add to the stream software

In your streaming software ( OBS, Streamlabs, …) add a new browser source in your sources of the desired scene and paste the link gotten from previous step.

The resolution of the overlay have to match your stream output resolution : 1920x1080 if you stream in 1080p, 1080x720 if you stream in 720p, etc…

Example :


IMPORTANT : Do not touch the Custom CSS, it will make the overlay malfunction

You're good to go !

You can test if it works by launching your game and checking in your streaming software with the browser source active

6 - Websocket protocol


The websocket server will start listenning when the game start on



When a client connect, he will receive an handshake packet with the following informations

Name Description
_type Message type
ProtocolVersion Protocol version of the overlay system
GameVersion Current version of the game
LocalUserName Current user name
LocalUserID Current user ID (Steam/Occulus)


Name Description
_type Message type
_event Event type


Name Description
_type Message type
_event Event type


Name Description
_type Message type
_event Event type
RoomState State of the room

Enum RoomState:

Name Description
None Default null state
SelectingSong Players are in the lobby to select a song
WarmingUp Players are downloading & loading the map
Playing At least one player is still playing
Results Lobby is in the Results mode


Name Description
_type Message type
_event Event type
PlayerJoined.LUID Server session ID for the player who joined
PlayerJoined.UserID User ID (Steam/Occulus) of the player who joined
PlayerJoined.UserName User name of the player who joined


Name Description
_type Message type
_event Event type
PlayerLeaved.LUID Server session ID for the player who leaved


Name Description
_type Message type
_event Event type
Score.LUID Server session ID for the player
Score.Score Current score
Score.Accuracy Current multiplied accuracy
Score.Combo Current combo
Score.MissCount Miss & bad cut count for the player
Score.Failed Did the player failed the map?
Score.Deleted Did the player quitted the map?

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