A project about China Mobile Fetion,written by C#, which implements Fetion SIPC protocol.
The project shows how to login and send/receive Fetion message,add friend or accept friend request.
The old source host: http://haozesfx.codeplex.com/
The project written by haozes at 2009,so it may not run propely. Let me know if you want to use it.
There are three parts in project:
FxClient: Fetion login process and SIPC Protocol parser.
FxRobot: The host of FxClient show how to use in a winform application,which can forwards received msg to fxplugin.
FxPlugin: plugins can reiceve Fetion messages then parse the text to execute some cmds like fetch weather report,send/reiceve e-mail,etc.
Download the source
edit FxRobot/app.config with your phone and fetion password(ChinaMobile)
<!--移动手机号--> <add key="Telephone" value="xxxxxx" /> <!--飞信登陆密码--> <add key="Password" value="xxxxx"/>
Run build.cmd to build
Run FxRobot.exe.
##Update History
move to github
1.修正由于新协议中使用了chat server,导致收信慢的问题
1.增加了验证码情况的处理. 2.天气预报插件中的: Too many automatic redirections were attempted 的错误 ps:解决方案转换为vs2010了,请注意