Unofficial Midtrans API wrapper for NodeJS. 💡 I created this to make it easier for me to integrate some of 🛠 my projects using 🛒 Midtrans, the methods I created here are available from Rest API, Snap, and Iris API 😎.
You need to install the package first!
npm install hanif-midtrans-node
yarn add hanif-midtrans-node
pnpm install hanif-midtrans-node
You just need a midtrans server key from And, you're ready to code!
import { MidtransNode } from 'hanif-midtrans-node';
// new MidtransNode(isProduction, midtransServerKey);
const midtrans = new MidtransNode(false, 'YOUR MIDTRANS SERVER KEY'); // sandbox mode
transaction_details: {
gross_amount: 20000, // IDR 20.000
order_id: 'midtrans-node',
And, that's it! Also, docs is availabe on