- Geoffrey Grosenbach(@topfunky): Keynote: Code & Creativity
- Jeff Casimir(@j3): The Problem is your Ruby
- Joseph Wilk(@josephwilk): Limited Red
- Nick Sieger(@nicksieger): From Java to Rails
- Jeff Casimir(@j3): Blow up your views
- Josh Kaldermis(@joshkalderimis) and Sven Fuchs(@svenfuchs): Travis CI
- Jarkko Laine(@jarkko): Full Frontal for the Backend Pack
- Richard White(@rrwhite): Keynote: about UserVoice
- Zach Holman(@holman): How Github uses Github to build Github
- Elise Huard(@elise_huard): Ruby goes Hollywood
- Ryan Smith(@ryandotsmith): Modern Architecture
- Joseph Ruscio(@josephruscio): Implementing a RESTful API with Ruby the Right Way
- Aman Gupta(@tmm1): Debugging Ruby Performance
- Tuomas Kareinen(@tkareine): Test global state changing code with fork
- Stephen Sykens(@sdsykes): Obfuscated Code
- Maxim Filatov (@pipopolam): Part1 and Part2