This is the ROS Wrapper of the RDA planner
Please install the following libraries and packages first.
- Python >= 3.8
- ROS Noetic
- RDA_planner
We recommend using Python 3.8 and Conda to manage Python environments, as some examples are based on CARLA.
- Ubuntu 20.04
You can install the package by running the commands below:
mkdir -p ~/rda_ws/src
cd ~/rda_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/rda_ws && catkin_make
cd ~/rda_ws/src/rda_ros
sh && source ~/rda_ws/devel/ && rosdep install rda_ros
We provide the dynamic collision avoidance examples in Gazebo shown as follows. To run these examples, please see example/dynamic_collision_avoidance for detail.
- Dynamic collision avoidance with obstacles information input
- Dynamic collision avoidance with scan information input
We provide the Autonomous Driving examples in Carla shown as follows. To run these examples, please see example/auto_driving for detail.
- Autonomous Driving in Town02 with Topology Map and regular traffic vehicles
- Autonomous Driving in Town04 with traffic chaos
Topic Name | Message Type | Description |
/rda_cmd_vel |
geometry_msgs/Twist |
Publishes velocity commands for the robot's movement. |
/rda_opt_path |
nav_msgs/Path |
Publishes the optimized path generated by the RDA planner. |
/rda_ref_path |
nav_msgs/Path |
Publishes the reference path that the robot should follow. |
/rda_ref_states |
nav_msgs/Path |
Publishes the reference states trajectory for visualization. |
/rda_obs_markers |
visualization_msgs/MarkerArray |
Publishes obstacle markers for visualization in RViz. |
Topic Name | Message Type | Description |
/rda_obstacles |
costmap_converter/ObstacleArrayMsg |
Subscribes to obstacle information when use_scan_obstacle is set to False . |
/scan |
sensor_msgs/LaserScan |
Subscribes to laser scan data for obstacle detection when use_scan_obstacle is True . |
/rda_sub_path |
nav_msgs/Path |
Subscribes to the reference path that the RDA planner should follow. |
/rda_goal |
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped |
Subscribes to the goal point to generate the reference path for rda planner |
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
~robot_info |
dict |
Configuration dictionary for robot specifications. | |
~robot_info.vertices |
list or None |
None |
Vertices defining the robot's shape. If None , uses length and width to create a rectangular shape. |
~robot_info.radius |
float |
None |
Radius of the robot (used if the robot shape is circular). |
~robot_info.max_speed |
list |
[10, 1] |
Maximum speed parameters [linear, angular] or [linear, steer] . |
~robot_info.max_acce |
list |
[10, 0.5] |
Maximum acceleration parameters [linear, angular] or [linear, steer] . |
~robot_info.length |
float |
2 |
Length of the robot (used if vertices are not provided). |
~robot_info.width |
float |
1 |
Width of the robot (used if vertices are not provided). |
~robot_info.wheelbase |
float |
1.5 |
Wheelbase of the robot. |
~robot_info.dynamics |
string |
"diff" |
Type of robot dynamics (e.g., differential: diff , ackermann: acker ). |
~robot_info.cone_type |
string |
"Rpositive" |
Type of collision cone used, polygon: Rpositive , circle: norm2 |
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
~receding |
int |
10 |
Receding horizon parameter for MPC. |
~iter_num |
int |
2 |
Number of iterations for the MPC solver. |
~enable_reverse |
bool |
False |
Enables reverse movement if set to True . |
~sample_time |
float |
0.1 |
Sampling time interval for the MPC. |
~process_num |
int |
4 |
Number of parallel processes for MPC computation. |
~accelerated |
bool |
True |
Enables accelerated computation in MPC. |
~time_print |
bool |
False |
Enables time logging for MPC operations. |
~obstacle_order |
bool |
True |
Determines if obstacle ordering by distance is applied. |
~max_edge_num |
int |
5 |
Maximum number of edges to consider for obstacles. |
~max_obs_num |
int |
5 |
Maximum number of obstacles to consider. |
~goal_index_threshold |
int |
1 |
Threshold for goal index determination. |
~iter_threshold |
float |
0.2 |
Iteration threshold for convergence in MPC. |
~slack_gain |
float |
8 |
Gain for slack variables in MPC constraints. |
~max_sd |
float |
1.0 |
Maximum safety distance. |
~min_sd |
float |
0.1 |
Minimum safety distance. |
~ws |
float |
1.0 |
Weight for the state in the cost function. |
~wu |
float |
0.5 |
Weight for the control inputs in the cost function. |
~ro1 |
float |
200 |
Weight parameter for the first term in the cost function. |
~ro2 |
float |
1.0 |
Weight parameter for the second term in the cost function. |
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
~ref_speed |
float |
4.0 |
Reference speed for the robot. |
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
~use_scan_obstacle |
bool |
False |
Determines whether to use laser scan for obstacle detection. |
~scan_eps |
float |
0.2 |
Epsilon parameter for DBSCAN clustering on scan data. |
~scan_min_samples |
int |
6 |
Minimum number of samples for a cluster in DBSCAN. |
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
~waypoints |
list |
[] |
List of waypoints for generating the reference path. |
~loop |
bool |
False |
Determines if the path should loop upon reaching the end. |
~curve_type |
string |
"dubins" |
Type of curve generator used (e.g., dubins , reeds , or line ). |
~step_size |
float |
0.1 |
Step size for generating the reference path. |
~min_radius |
float |
1.0 |
Minimum turning radius for the reference path. |
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
~target_frame |
string |
"map" |
Target frame for transformations. |
~lidar_frame |
string |
"lidar_link" |
Frame ID for the LiDAR sensor. |
~base_frame |
string |
"base_link" |
Base frame of the robot. |
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
~marker_x |
float |
0.05 |
Scale factor for marker size in visualization. |
~marker_lifetime |
float |
0.1 |
Lifetime of markers in RViz (in seconds). |
If you find this code or paper helpful, please consider starring the repository and citing our work using the following BibTeX entries:
author={Han, Ruihua and Wang, Shuai and Wang, Shuaijun and Zhang, Zeqing and Zhang, Qianru and Eldar, Yonina C. and Hao, Qi and Pan, Jia},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={RDA: An Accelerated Collision Free Motion Planner for Autonomous Navigation in Cluttered Environments},
author={Li, Guoliang and Han, Ruihua and Wang, Shuai and Gao, Fei and Eldar, Yonina C. and Xu, Chengzhong},
journal={IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics},
title={Edge Accelerated Robot Navigation With Collaborative Motion Planning},
- RDA Planner is an optimization-based planner. Better performance can be achieved with a more powerful computer, especially when running with the CARLA and Gazebo simulators.
- If your computer doesn't match the demo's performance, try adjusting the parameters in the RDA MPC configuration to reduce computation costs.
- Since obstacles in some scenarios are moving and set randomly, there may be cases where the robot cannot avoid them. Adjust the parameters in the RDA MPC configuration can improve the performance.
- To manage the many parameters for this node, we recommend using YAML files to store them and loading them in the launch file, as shown in the demonstrations.
If you have any issues about the paper and code: