Built with Angular 5, Bootstrap 4 and TypeScript. CLI version available. Absolutely no jQuery.
400+ material UI elements, 600+ material icons, 74 CSS animations, TypeScript modules, SASS files and many more.
All fully responsive. All compatible with different browsers.
Main demo: https://mdbootstrap.com/angular/components/
- Angular CLI 1.5.0
- Angular 5.0
- Clone following repo:
git clone https://github.com/mdbootstrap/Angular-Bootstrap-with-Material-Design.git .
note "." at the end. It will clone files directly into current folder.
- Run
npm i
- Run
npm start
- Voilà! Open browser and visit http://localhost:4200
Now you can navigate to our documentation (http://mdbootstrap.com/angular/), pick any component and place within your project.
- create new project
ng new project_name --style=scss
npm i angular-bootstrap-md --save
- to app.module.ts add
import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { MDBBootstrapModule } from 'angular-bootstrap-md';
imports: [
schemas: [ NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA ]
- in angular-cli.json change:
"styleExt": "css"
to "styleExt": "scss"
rename /src/styles.css to styles.scss
if you want to change styles in exisiting project you can use
ng set defaults.styleExt scss
add below lines to angular-cli.json:
"styles": [
"scripts": [
- install external libs
npm install -–save [email protected] font-awesome hammerjs
- add following into tsconfig.json file located in root folder
"include": ["node_modules/angular-bootstrap-md/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.ts"],
(note: there is also tsconfig.app.json file inside src folder, however if you want to use it, path should be different)
"include": [ "**/*.ts", "../node_modules/angular-bootstrap-md/index.ts" ]
ng serve --open
5min Quick Start: https://mdbootstrap.com/angular/5min-quickstart/
MDB - Bootstrap tutorial: https://mdbootstrap.com/bootstrap-tutorial/
MDB - Wordpress tutorial: https://mdbootstrap.com/wordpress-tutorial/
Angular Bootstrap with Material Design PRO (from $79): https://mdbootstrap.com/product/angular-bootstrap-pro/
Huge, detailed documentation avilable online on: http://mdbootstrap.com/angular/
Bootstrap 4
Up-to-date with the latest standards of Bootstrap 4 and all the best it has to offer.
Angular CLI
A command line interface handling all the tedious tasks for you out of the box.
Detailed documentation
Intuitive and user-friendly documentation, created with a copy-paste approach.
No jQuery
Writing you code with pure Angular is now quicker, easier, and cleaner.
Superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
Angular 2, version 4.0.0
Create smarter and faster Angular apps with the latest official Angular release.
Cross-browser compatibility
Works perfectly with Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge.
Frequent updates
Expect any bugs being fixed in a matter of days.
Active community
MDB is broadly used by professionals on multiple levels, who are ready to aid you.
Use TypeScript modules to compile package adjusted yo your needs.
Useful helpers
Reduce the frequency of highly repetitive declarations in your CSS.
Technical support
Every day we help our users with their issues and problems.
SASS files
Thought-out .scss files come in a compile-ready form.
Full support of Flexbox layout system lets you forget about alignment issues.
A big thank you to all our users who are working with us to improve the software. We wouldn't be where we are without you.
Getting started: https://mdbootstrap.com/angular-bootstrap-getting-started/
5 min quick start: https://mdbootstrap.com/angular/5min-quickstart/
Material Design + Bootstrap Tutorial: https://mdbootstrap.com/bootstrap-tutorial/
Material Design + WordPress Tutorial: https://mdbootstrap.com/wordpress-tutorial/
Freebies: https://mdbootstrap.com/freebies/
Premium Templates: https://mdbootstrap.com/templates/
Changelog: https://mdbootstrap.com/angular/changelog/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MDBootstrap
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mdbootstrap
Pinterest: https://pl.pinterest.com/mdbootstrap
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107863090883699620484/+Mdbootstrap/posts
Dribbble: https://dribbble.com/mdbootstrap
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/material-design-for-bootstrap