A Laravel CMS Starter project with AdminLTE theme and core features.
- Laravel 5.6 (master)
- Laravel 5.5 (Branch Laravel 5.5)
- Laravel 5.4 (Branch Laravel 5.4)
- Laravel 5.2 (Branch Laravel 5.2)
- User: [email protected]
- Password: github
- Upgraded to Laravel 5.6'
- Add config/app.php - "is_preview". This is to prevent users to delete pages and users from the demo site.
- Add admin/accounts. The clients index.blade.php is a good example when working with 1+K entries. It use Laravel Paginator via Ajax pages and filter.
- Admin LTE admin theme
- Members (website and admin users)
- Google Analytics Reports (with charts)
- Website Page Builder with 3 components (page content, photos, documents)
- Log Website Activities (if contact us was submitted, etc)
- Notifications (Laravel notifications)
- Log Admin Activities (when admin create,edit,delete a resource)
- Bootstrap Alerts and Form Error messages. package; bpocallaghan/alert
- Flash a Notification after a CRUD resource action. package; bpocallaghan/notify
- Generate crud resource, individual files. package; bpocallaghan/generators
- Impersonate any of your customers
- Roles, Assign roles to the user and navigation to exlude navigation for a user.
- Manage Blog, Banners, FAQ, Photos and many more.
composer create-project bpocallaghan/laravel-admin-starter:dev-master laravel-admin-starter
- open .env and set the app info (url, title, description, etc)
- create your database and set db name in .env
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
- open database\seeds\UserTableSeeder.php to enter your admin user
- open your browser (http://laravel-admin.local)
- log into the admin (http://laravel-admin.local/admin) with your admin user
- complete 'basic' setup
- config\app.php -> set timezone
- create FB Website App https://developers.facebook.com/
- create a mailgun account and set custom domain
- google captcha https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin#list
- google analytics account https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web
- google console developer account for google maps and google analytics API
- https://console.developers.google.com
- Enable the 'google analytics' API
- Create api browser key for google maps
- Get and Setup Laravel Analytics Laravel Analytics (Spatie)
- create NEW service account key
- any name will work (I use google analytics)
- key type is JSON
- download and rename the json to 'service-account-credentials.json'
- store the file under /storage/app/analytics
- go to (google analytics)[https://analytics.google.com/analytics/]
- go to admin - property - user management and add the service account's email as a user
- go to admin - view - settings and copy the 'site id' to your .env
- get a Google Maps js API key (after you've created the project in google) https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
- have a look at Admin\NavigationController.php on how to use datatables and datatables with ajax if more than 150 entries
If you would like to change the default skin.
Please have a look in webpack.mix.js
Line ~110 and uncomment the desired skin.
Please also remember to update the skin's name in 'views\layouts\admin.blade.php'
- <body class="skin-blue">
- Thank you Taylor Ottwell for Laravel.
- Thank you Jeffrey Way for the awesome resources at Laracasts.
- Thank you Spatie for all your packages.
Please keep in mind this is for my personal workflow and might not fit your need. This is my starter project for most crud admin portals. I try to keep it clean, flexibly and friendly to use. This is not a complete project or best practises, just trying to help the community :). Please let me know about any issues or if you have any suggestions.
Please see the CHANGELOG for more information about changes.
- File Generators Laravel 5 File Generators with config and publishable stubs
- Notify Laravel 5 Flash Notifications with icons and animations and with a timeout
- Alert A helper package to flash a bootstrap alert to the browser via a Facade or a helper function.
- Impersonate User This allows you to authenticate as any of your customers.
- Sluggable Provides a HasSlug trait that will generate a unique slug when saving your Laravel Eloquent model.