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OTP Message Broker (pub/sub, workers queue, priority/deferring delivery)


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OTP Message Broker


Universal OTP message broker features:

  • create channels (pub/sub)
  • pools (workers queue)
  • mixing it (pool of channels, channel of pools... etc.)
  • send messages with specify priority of delivering messages (range: 1..10)
  • pool has 3 balance methods: rr(round robin), hash (by erlang:phash(Message, lenth(Pool))), random
  • defer message delivering in case of
    • exceed the queue limit (10000) and receiver has the 'true' in 'defer' option.
    • client has 'offline' state and the 'defer' option is set to 'true'
  • 'async' Client option allows you control the delivery process. Default value of this option is 'true'.


For dev purposes simple run:

git clone && cd mx && make compile && echo "MX is installed in $(pwd)"

For production use:

% rebar.config -- add mx in deps section
{deps, [
       {mx, {git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
%% and add mx to the relx section
{relx, [{release, {your_rel, "0.0.1"},

You can specifying a queue limits in sys.config:

    {mx, [
       {queue_length_limit, 100000},
       {queue_low_threshold, 0.6},   % 60%
       {queue_high_threshold, 0.8}   % 80%


make run

Distributed mode

Run the first node:

make demo_run node_name='[email protected]'

(mxnode01@> application:start(mx).

and the second one:

make demo_run node_name='[email protected]'

(mxnode02@> application:load(mx).
%% Set via environment value of **'master'** to run it in slave mode.
(mxnode02@> application:set_env(mx, master, '[email protected]').
(mxnode02@> application:start(mx).

Call mx:nodes() to get the list of mx cluster nodes.

(mxnode01@> mx:nodes().
['[email protected]','[email protected]']

Mnesia custom directory (optional)

Create dir, for example, /usr/local/var/lib/mx/mnesia/ with correct (Read/Write) permissions.

Set option mnesia_base_dir with this directory in sys.config:

    {mx, [
       {mnesia_base_dir,      "/usr/local/var/lib/mx/mnesia/"}

Or set the value of configuration parameter mnesia_base_dir for mx:

make demo_run node_name='[email protected]'

(mxnode01@> application:load(mx).
(mxnode01@> application:set_env(mx, mnesia_base_dir, "/usr/local/var/lib/mx/mnesia/").
(mxnode01@> application:start(mx).

So, mnesia data will be located:

/usr/local/var/lib/mx/mnesia/[email protected]  %% node name


% Client has higest priority by default (priority = 1)
{clientkey, Client1Key} = mx:register(client, "Client1"),
{clientkey, Client2Key} = mx:register(client, "Client2", [{priority, 8}]),
{clientkey, Client3Key} = mx:register(client, "Client3", [{async, false}, {defer, true}]),
{clientkey, Client4Key} = mx:register(client, "Client4"),

% register channel with default priority (5)
{channelkey, Channel1Key} = mx:register(channel, "Channel1", Client4Key),
ok = mx:subscribe(Client1Key, Channel1Key),
% just for example try to subscribe one more time
{already_subscribed, Client1Key} = mx:subscribe(Client1Key, Channel1Key),

ok = mx:subscribe(Client2Key, Channel1Key),
ok = mx:subscribe(Client3Key, Channel1Key),

mx:send(Channel1Key, "Hello, Channel1!").

% register pool with default balance method is 'rr' - round robin
%             default priority (5)
{poolkey, Pool1Key} = mx:register(pool, "Pool1", Client4Key),
mx:join(Client1Key, Pool1Key),
mx:join(Client2Key, Pool1Key),
mx:join(Client3Key, Pool1Key),

% create lowest priority channel and pool by Client2
{channelkey, LPCh1} = mx:register(channel, "LP Channel1", Client2Key, [{priority, 10}]),
{poolkey, LPPl1}    = mx:register(pool, "LP Pool1", Client2Key, [{priority, 10}]),

% create highest priority channel and pool by Client3
{channelkey, HPCh1} = mx:register(channel, "HP Channel1", Client2Key, [{priority, 1}]),
{poolkey, HPPl1}    = mx:register(pool, "HP Pool1", Client2Key, [{priority, 1}]),

% high priority pool with 'hash' balance
{poolkey, HP_Hash_Pl}    = mx:register(pool, "HP Pool (hash)", Client2Key, [{priority, 1}, {balance, hash}]),

% pool with random balance
{poolkey, Rand_Pl}    = mx:register(pool, "Pool (random)", Client2Key, [{balance, random}]),


local usage

  • Create client/channel/pool

    mx:register(client, Name)
    mx:register(client, Name, Opts)
     Name - list or binary
     Opts - proplists

    returns: {clientkey, Key} | {duplicate, Key}

     Key - binary
    mx:register(channel, Name, ClientKey)
    mx:register(channel, Name, ClientKey, Opts)
     Name - list or binary
     Opts - proplists
     ClientKey - binary

    returns: {channelkey, Key} | {duplicate, Key}

     Key - binary
    mx:register(pool, Name, ClientKey)**
    mx:register(pool, Name, ClientKey, Opts)**
     Name - list or binary
     Opts - proplists
     ClientKey - binary

    returns: {poolkey, Key} | {duplicate, Key}

     Key - binary
  • Delete client/channel/pool

  • Set online/offline state

    mx:online(ClientKey, Pid)
  • Work with channel/pool

    mx:subscribe(Key, Channel)
    mx:unsubscribe(Key, Channel)
     Key - binary (ClientKey, ChannelKey, PoolKey)
     Channel - channel name or channel key
    mx:join(Key, Pool)
    mx:leave(Key, Pool)
     Key - binary (ClientKey, ChannelKey, PoolKey)
     Pool - pool name or pool key
  • Set options for client/channel/pool

    mx:set(Key, Opts)
     Key - binary (ClientKey, ChannelKey, PoolKey)
     Opts - proplists
  • Sending message

    mx:send(ClientKey, Message)
    mx:send(ChannelKey, Message)
    mx:send(PoolKey, Message)
  • Owning Pool/Channel

    mx:own(Key, ClientKey)
     Key - binary (ChannelKey, PoolKey)

    orphan Pool/Channel will unregister automaticaly

    mx:abandon(Key, ClientKey)
     Key - binary (ChannelKey, PoolKey)
  • Clear deferred messages

     Key - binary (ClientKey, ChannelKey, PoolKey)
     Key = all - truncate the 'deferred' table
  • Clear all MX tables

  • Info

    show MX cluster nodes


    show full information about the client

     Key - binary (ClientKey, ChannelKey, PoolKey)

    show the only Name property from the information list about the client

    mx:info(Key, Name)
     Key - binary (ClientKey, ChannelKey, PoolKey)
     Name - field name

    show the list of Clients are subscribed/joined to.

     Key - binary (ChannelKey, PoolKey)

remote usage

gen_server:call(MX, Message)

where the Message is one of the listed values below:

  • {register_client, Client}
  • {register_client, Client, Opts}
  • {register_channel, ChannelName, ClientKey}
  • {register_channel, ChannelName, ClientKey, Opts}
  • {register_pool, PoolName, ClientKey}
  • {register_pool, PoolName, ClientKey, Opts}
  • {unregister, Key}
  • {online, ClientKey, Pid}
  • {offline, ClientKey}
  • {subscribe, Client, To}
  • {unsubscribe, Client, From}
  • {join, Client, To}
  • {leave, Client, From}
  • {send, To, Message}
  • {own, Key, ClientKey}
  • {abandon, Key, ClientKey}
  • {info, Key}
  • {info, {Key, Name}}
  • {relation, Key}
  • {set, Key, Opts}
  • nodes
  • clear_all_tables
> (mxnode02@> gen_server:call({mx, '[email protected]'}, nodes).
['[email protected]','[email protected]']


There are only common tests (CT) are implemented with some limited set of cases

Direct sending tests.

Sequentualy running:

  • 1 reciever - 1 message
  • 1 reciever - 1000 messages
  • 1000 recievers - 1 messages
  • 1000 recievers - 100 messages


  • 1 reciever - 1000 messages (3 processes)
  • 1000 recievers - 1 messages (3 processes)

Channel tests (pub/sub).

Sequentualy running:

  • 1 subscriber (subscriber) recieves 1 messages
  • 1 subscriber - 1000 messages
  • 1000 subscribers - 1 messages
  • 1000 subscribers - 10 messages


  • 1000 subscribers - 10 messages (10 processes)

Priority delivering:

  • 1 subscriber recieves 1000 messages with 10 different priorities:
    • 100 messages with priority 1
    • 100 messages with priority 2
    • ...
    • 100 messages with priority 10

Pool tests (worker queue)

Sequentualy running:

  • 1 client sends 1 messages to 1 worker
  • 1 client - 1000 messages - 2 workers (round robin)
  • 1 client - 1000 messages - 2 workers (hash)
  • 1 client - 1000 messages - 2 workers (random)
  • 1000 clients - 1 messages - 4 workers
  • 1000 clients - 1000 messages - 4 workers

Parallel: (not implemented)

  • 1000 clients - 10 messages (10 processes)

Run the testing

  1. Run MX application as standalone application
$ make run
  1. Run "Common Tests"
$ make ct


OTP Message Broker (pub/sub, workers queue, priority/deferring delivery)








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