AWS Lambda function for insert Kinesis event to Google BigQuery example.
- Create IAM Role for Lambda
- Upload function
- Create Kinesis stream and Lambda event source
- Create BigQuery table
- Test put record
$ ./scripts/
Wait role is created.
$ ./scripts/
Input GCP config
project> myproject
dataset> test
table> kinesis
{ "project": "myproject", "dataset": "test", "table": "kinesis" }
Input GCP private key file path
> private/key/path
$ ./scripts/
Create Kinesis stream named examplestream
"Status": "Pending",
"UUID": "xx4f17f5-f680-4c82-81de-9d2552999b8f",
"LastModified": "2014-12-22T16:50:01.598+0000",
"BatchSize": 100,
"Parameters": {
"InitialPositionInStream": "TRIM_HORIZON"
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::xxx/kinesis-bigquery-LambdaInvokeRole-x",
"EventSource": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:xxx:stream/examplestream",
"IsActive": "true",
"FunctionName": "KinesisBigQuery"
Wait event source is ready.
$ aws lambda get-event-source-mapping --uuid UUID
"Status": "Ok",
"UUID": "xx4f17f5-f680-4c82-81de-9d2552999b8f",
Create BigQuery table with schema you want.
$ bq --project_id myproject mk test.kinesis id:string,time:integer,user_id:string
value is automatically set in lambda function
$ ./scripts/ '{"user_id":"user1"}'
After put record, run query to confirm data is correctly inserted.
$ bq --project_id myproject query "select * from test.kinesis"
Waiting on bqjob_xxxxx_0000014a72faad47_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
| id | time | user_id |
| 49545115243490985018280067714973144582180062593244200962 | 1465459398 | user1 |