This project shows how to install [Booked] ( with Ansible (see also The way to set up a test VM with Vagrant is copied from
ansible-galaxy install -f -r requirements.yml -p ./roles
At least you need to check that the source code is found.
# use the default zip archive
booked_source: "local_archive"
booked_source_local_archive: "~/Downloads/"
Ansible Vault is used to store database passwords.
Best practice is to have vars.yml
and vault.yml
files in each subdirectory of group_vars.
Edit vault.yml
to define the actual secret variables. Use prefix vault_
$ cat inventory/group_vars/dev/vault.yml
vault_mysql_root_password: "big_secret_here"
vault_booked_db_password: "another_secret_here"
vault_booked_install_password: "and_another_one_here"
In vars.yml
, the secrets are assigned to role variables.
$ head inventory/group_vars/dev/vars.yml
# secrets from vault.yml
mysql_root_password: "{{ vault_mysql_root_password }}"
booked_db_password: "{{ vault_booked_db_password }}"
booked_install_password: "{{ vault_booked_install_password }}"
Create new vault password file. If you don't have openssl installed, see alternatives.
mkdir ~/.ansible_vault_passes
openssl rand -base64 32 > ~/.ansible_vault_passes/bookedscheduler-deploy-example
chmod 0400 ~/.ansible_vault_passes/bookedscheduler-deploy-example
Then encrypt the vault.yml
ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file=~/.ansible_vault_passes/bookedscheduler-deploy-example inventory/group_vars/dev/vault.yml
ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file=~/.ansible_vault_passes/bookedscheduler-deploy-example inventory/group_vars/test/vault.yml
If you don't like to store the vault password in plain text, you can create and store it e.g. in KeePassX,
and use option --ask-vault-pass
# start dev VM
vagrant up
# install on dev VM
ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=~/.ansible_vault_passes/bookedscheduler-deploy-example -i inventory/dev install.yml
# browse to the address specified in Vagrantfile, e.g.
ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=~/.ansible_vault_passes/bookedscheduler-deploy-example -i inventory/test install.yml --become --ask-become-pass