Just useful References!
- R - The R Project for Statistical Computing
- Revolution Analytics
- Note: Revolution R Open is now known as Microsoft R Open (MRO). Download Link
- RStudio
- Best IDE for R Language.
- Bioconductor - Open Source Software For Bioinformatics
- rseek
- Python - Official Site
- Continuum - Anaconda
- Python IDEs
- Spyder IDE
- PyCharm Community Edition
- Rodeo by yhat
- Python IDEs
- DataCamp
- dataquest
- Code School - try R
- swirl - Learn R, in R
- RStudio - Webinars and Videos On Demand
- simplilearn
- R by example
- udemy - by Charles Redmond, Professor at Mercyhurst University
- R, ggplot, and Simple Linear Regression
- Polynomial Regression, R, and ggplot
- Training Sets, Test Sets, R, and ggplot
- Baseball Database Queries with SQL and dplyr
- Baseball Data Wrangling with Vagrant, R, and Retrosheet
- Pitch Location Charts with PITCHf/x and ggplot
- Batting Location Charts with Vagrant and MySQL
- Explore Statistics with R by Karolinska Institutet
- Springboard -- There are many wokshops that related to Data Science
- Data Sci Guide
- R-bloggers
- r-dir
- inside-R
- R-statistics
- Data Mining, Analytics, Big Data, and Data Science - KDnuggets
- Analytics Vidhya
- Data Science Central
- Predictive Analytics World
- r-statistics.co: An educational resource for those seeking knowledge related to machine learning and statistical computing in R.
- R for Public Health
- ZevRoss - Know Your Data
- SIMPLY STATISTICS - simplystats
- Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Statistics.com
- pythonprogramming.net -- mainly using PYTHON -- INCLUDING VIDEOS
- ParallelR blog
- The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani - R Programming for Data Science by Roger D. Peng
- The Art of Data Science by Roger D. Peng AND Elizabeth Matsui
- Exploratory Data Analysis with R by Roger D. Peng
- Report Writing for Data Science in R by Roger D. Peng
- Statistical inference for data science by Brian Caffo
- Regression Models for Data Science in R by Brian Caffo
- Advanced Linear Models for Data Science by Brian Caffo
- Developing Data Products in R by Brian Caffo
- The Elements of Data Analytic Style by Jeff Leek
- Learning Statistics with R by Daniel Navarro
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R by G. Jay Kerns
- First Edition on cran r project website
- Github page for the book <- Second Edition
- Applied Predictive Modeling by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson
- The R Inferno by Patrick Burns
- R Tips by Paul E. Johnson
- Modern Optimization with R by Paulo Cortez
- Advanced R by Hadley Wickham
- OpenIntro Statistics by David M Diez, Christopher D Barr, and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
- Guide to Programming and Algorithms Using R by Özgür Ergül
- [The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design]("No Link") by Norman Matloff
- R in Action by Robert I. Kabacoff
- Modeling and Solving Linear Programming with R by Jose M. Sallan, Oriol Lordan, Vicenc Fernandez
- Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R, Second Edition by Owen Jones, Robert Maillardet, Andrew Robinson
- Data Analysis for the Life Sciences by Rafael A Irizarry and Michael I Love
- Data Mining with Rattle and R: The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery (Use R!) by Graham Williams
- Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight by John W. Foreman
- [Predictive Analytics, Revised and Updated: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die]("No Link") (Revised and Upated Edition) by Eric Siegel
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte
- Visualize This by Nathan Yau who
- Data Science for Business by By Foster Provost, Tom Fawcett
- Introduction to Probability by Joseph K. Blitzstein, Jessica Hwang
- The Functional Art by Alberto Cairo
- Top 10 Essential Books for the Data Enthusiast
- Learn R and Python, and Have Fun Doing It
- How to Learn Python and R, the Data Science Programming Languages, from Beginner to Intermediate and Advanced
- RStudio Cheat Sheets by RStudio
- R Reference Card by Tom Short
- R Cheat Sheet by quandl.com
- RStudio cheat sheets - ALL by RStudio
- MARKDOWN SYNTAX - GitHub Guides by GitHub
- Probability Cheatsheet by William Chen