The cMsmq module contains DSC resources for managing private MSMQ queues.
Supports Windows Server 2008 R2 and later.
You can also download this module from the PowerShell Gallery.
Ensure: Indicates whether the queue exists.
Name: Indicates the name of the queue.
Transactional: Indicates whether the queue is transactional.
Note: If there is already a queue with the same name but of different type, an error will be thrown.
Authenticate: Indicates whether the queue accepts only authenticated messages.
Journaling: Indicates whether received messages are copied to the journal queue.
JournalQuota: Indicates the maximum size of the journal queue in KB.
Label: Indicates the description of the queue.
PrivacyLevel: Indicates the privacy level associated with the queue.
QueueQuota: Indicates the maximum size of the queue in KB.
- Ensure: Indicates whether the permission entry exists. The default value is
. Set this property toAbsent
to ensure that any access rights the principal has are revoked. - Name: Indicates the name of the queue.
- Principal: Indicates the identity of the principal. Valid name formats: Down-Level Logon Name; User Principal Name; sAMAccountName; Security Identifier.
- AccessRights: Indicates the access rights to be granted to the principal. Specify one or more values from the System.Messaging.MessageQueueAccessRights enumeration type. Multiple values can be specified by using a comma-separated string.
Note: If the Ensure property is set to
, all the other non-mandatory properties are ignored. Applies to both the cMsmqQueue and the cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry resources.
- Minor bug-fixing update.
- Minor update.
- Module manifest updated.
- Initial release with the following resources:
- cMsmqQueue;
- cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry.
This configuration will install Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), create several private queues, and assign permissions on them.
configuration Sample_cMsmq
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Import-DscResource -ModuleName cMsmq
# Ensure the Message Queueing is installed.
WindowsFeature MSMQ
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'MSMQ'
# Ensure the MSMQ service is running.
Service MsmqService
Name = 'MSMQ'
State = 'Running'
DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]MSMQ'
# Ensure the specified private queue exists.
# All the parameters will be either left unchanged or, if the queue is to be created, set to their default values.
cMsmqQueue Queue1
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'Queue-1'
DependsOn = '[Service]MsmqService'
# Ensure the specified transactional private queue exists.
# If there is already a private queue with the same name but of different type, an error will be thrown.
cMsmqQueue Queue2
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'Queue-2'
Transactional = $true
Authenticate = $true
Journaling = $true
JournalQuota = 65536
Label = 'Created by the cMsmqQueue DSC resource'
PrivacyLevel = 'Body'
QueueQuota = 262144
DependsOn = '[Service]MsmqService'
# Ensure the specified private queue does not exist.
# If provided, all the other non-mandatory properties will be ignored.
cMsmqQueue Queue3
Ensure = 'Absent'
Name = 'Queue-3'
DependsOn = '[Service]MsmqService'
# Grant Full Control permission level for the specified principal.
cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry QueuePermission1
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'Queue-1'
Principal = $Env:UserDomain, $Env:UserName -join '\'
AccessRights = 'FullControl'
DependsOn = '[cMsmqQueue]Queue1'
# Grant multiple access rights for the specified principal.
cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry QueuePermission2
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'Queue-2'
Principal = 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
AccessRights = 'ChangeQueuePermissions', 'DeleteQueue'
DependsOn = '[cMsmqQueue]Queue2'
# Revoke all permissions for the specified principal.
cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry QueuePermission3
Ensure = 'Absent'
Name = 'Queue-2'
Principal = 'BUILTIN\Users'
DependsOn = '[cMsmqQueue]Queue2'
Sample_cMsmq -OutputPath "$Env:SystemDrive\Sample_cMsmq"
Start-DscConfiguration -Path "$Env:SystemDrive\Sample_cMsmq" -Force -Verbose -Wait