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Research 2 : Overall Website Research , Usability Testing

Bonnie Wolfe edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 6 revisions

Overall Website Research - Usability Testing

Research Date:

Start Date: June 2021

Summary of Research



  • Understand how volunteers are currently using the HFLA site
  • Understand what users expect to see on each page
  • Understand what users’ priorities are as they navigate the HFLA site


  • Usability Testing

Current Status

All Issues

Outstanding task items


Research Plan (including Audience Identification documentation)


Usability Test 1

Usability Test 2

Usability Test 3

Interview recordings & Transcripts

Synthesis (Miro or Figjam)

Presentation of Findings

Action Items Spreadsheet

The last review was completed by name____ on date_ on issue #

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