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Bonnie Wolfe edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 25 revisions


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Term Alternate terms Official Link Description
Counterpart A person who has the same role as you (e.g. designer), and is on another team
Guides Hack for LA Guides are documents with step-by-step procedures for achieving a goal or task. We call these processes and practices.
Guides have examples from Hack for LA projects. Some guides have templates.
Examples Screen shots and or links that show you how someone else at Hack for LA has performed the process or practice
Issues An issue is a record attached to Github, where you can define work to be done, add comments, and communicate with others about the work. It has datestamps for comments, ability to assign people to the work, and can be tracked in the github repository's issue tab or on its project board.
Kanban visual system used to manage and keep track of work as it moves through a process.
Practice A Practice is a set of guidance and examples for how to organize something. Each team who uses the practice will execute it differently from the others that come before, as the needs of their project dictate.
Process A Process has a defined set of instructions for how to execute something from beginning to end
Project Board A place for tracking issues and project progress, usually organized using Kanban methodology
Triage Sort Merriam Webster, 2 The assigning of priority order to projects on the basis of where funds and other resources can be best used, are most needed, or are most likely to achieve success

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