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Create Slack Audit document

Rabia Shaikh edited this page Mar 22, 2023 · 26 revisions

Create Slack Audit document

Copy the following block of instructions into a new comment on your issue and follow them.

## Create Slack Audit document
- [ ] go to [Template for Slack Audit]( (open in new tab)
- [ ] select `USE TEMPLATE` button
- [ ] add the newly created document's link to resource 2.0
- [ ] rename file by replacing `[Replace PROJECT NAME]` with the name of the project or CoP you are performing the audit for
- [ ] select `CRTL+H` or `CMD+SHIFT+H` (Google's Find & Replace feature) and replace `[Replace PROJECT NAME]` with the project's or CoP's name 
- [ ] replace `[Replace PROJECT INITIALS]` with project's or CoP's initials
### Move File to the `Org Level Audits` folder in the Project's or CoP's Drive
Start with Option 1 and if the `Org Level Audits` folder is not in `Starred` use Option 2
- [ ] Option 1
   - choose `move icon` or `file menu item, Move` in the spreadsheet
   - use back arrow (top left)
   - choose `Starred`
   - open the project's or CoP's `Org Level Audits` folder (indicated by project or CoP initials)
   - choose `Move here`
   - choose `Move`
- [ ] Option 2
   - choose `move icon` or `file menu item, Move` in the spreadsheet
   - use back arrow (top left)
   - choose `Shared Drives`
   - open project drive
   - open folder inside project or CoP drive (with same name as project or CoP drive)
   - open the `Org Level Audits` folder
   - choose `Move here`
   - choose `Move`
### Close Out this Task
- [ ] check the box for `Create Slack Audit document` in the Action items of this issue
- [ ] remove `status: needs Slack audit document` label
- [ ] close the tabs you just opened (wiki and document)
- [ ] hide this comment as RESOLVED, you are finished with this step
Clone this wiki locally