Change to /backend
cd backend
Install node package requirements
npm install
Start Docker (postgresql database)
docker-compose up
In a seperate shell, run server
npm run dev
To stop containers without removing them: docker-compose stop
To stop containers and remove them (along with their volumes—this will drop all tables from the database!): docker-compose down -v
when the database schema is changed, you need to remove the database and re-create it, this is done by doing
docker-compose down -v
and then docker-compose up
In a seperate shell, change to /frontend
cd frontend
Install node package requirements
npm install
npm run dev
sudo lsof -i :5432
- to check what’s running on the port 5432
launchctl list
- to show all processes
find the process from that list and then
launchctl remove <name_from_list_command>
- to remove it