Got an array of words and need something randomly selected? Wordice picks a random word (or words) from an array with ease!
Don't have an array, and just need a random word? We got you.
Demo: here
yarn add wordice
wordice(['Bird', 'Is', 'The', 'Word']); // Your own array
wordice(['Bird', 'Is', 'The', 'Word'], options); // Your own array + options!
wordice(); // Uses a default list of words
import wordice from "wordice";
const myRandomWord = wordice();
// Duck
With your own array:
import wordice from "wordice";
const coolArray = ['This', 'Is', 'An', 'Array', 'Of', 'Words'];
const myRandomWord = wordice(coolArray);
// Of
You can supply options for minimum characters, max characters and amount of words you want returned
Note: If you set wordCount to a greater number of items in the array it will be capped at the length of the array, see allowDuplicates
import wordice from "wordice";
const coolArray = ['This', 'Is', 'An', 'Array', 'Of', 'Some', 'More', 'Words'];
const myRandomWords = wordice(coolArray, { minCharacters: 3, maxCharacters: 4, wordCount: 3 });
// More, Some, This
You can change also allow the return of duplicated words, allowing you to set a higher wordCount value than length of the array.
import wordice from "wordice";
const coolArray = ['A', 'B', 'C'];
const myRandomWords = wordice(coolArray, { allowDuplicates: true, wordCount: 5 });
// C,B,C,A,A
You can change the joining character between items
import wordice from "wordice";
const coolArray = ['This', 'Is', 'An', 'Array', 'Of', 'Some', 'More', 'Words'];
const myRandomWords = wordice(coolArray, { join: '-' wordCount: 3 });
// Words-Some-This
Feel free to send us file an issue or add feedback here. Feature requests are always welcome.