dtnsim - DTN (Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking) simulator with several agent/mobility models
dtnsim is a DTN (Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networking) simulator written in Python. Since all programs in dtnsim are written in Python, if you are a Python programmer, you can easily modify simulator functionalities and/or add new features. Python is one of major light-weight programming languages, which enables rapid prototyping of DTN simulations. For instance, when you think of a novel network protocol for DTN, you can rapidly implement the protocol with the help of high expressiveness of Python language.
Since almost everything in dtnsim is written in Python, dtnsim is not suitable for extremely large-scale DTN simulations. For instance, dtnsim is not suitable for very large-scale DTN simulations with millions of agents (i.e., mobile nodes/terminals). However, such limitation is not an issue in practice since DTN is generally expected to be utilized in environments with spares agents.
dtnsim | cellx
pip3 install dtnsim
The latest version of dtnsim is available at PyPI (https://pypi.org/project/dtnsim/) .
Hiroyuki Ohsaki (ohsaki[atmark]lsnl.jp)