This repo contains the code for object detection in VR environments. The method is based on CenterNet and is applied on GAILA dataset.
CenterNet paper: Objects as Points,
Xingyi Zhou, Dequan Wang, Philipp Krähenbühl,
Please refer to for installation instructions.
To build the dataset and convert the raw data to proper format run the following:
python gaila_ctdet --exp_id TEST_gaila_simplenet --frames_dir ~/data/GAILA/images_10hz/ --bounds_dir ~/data/GAILA/bounds/ --save_annotations ~/scratch --arch simple --batch_size 32 --master_batch -1 --lr 1.25e-4 --gpus 0 --num_workers 4 --frames_per_task 20 --num_epochs 2 --debug 4
For training the model run:
python gaila_ctdet --exp_id TRAIN_gaila_resdcn18_fpt400_ep10 --load_annotations ../data/ --arch resdcn_18 --batch_size 128 --master_batch -1 --lr 1.25e-4 --gpus 0 --num_workers 8 --frames_per_task 400 --num_epochs 100 --resume
For testing the model run:
python gaila_ctdet --exp_id TEST_gaila_resdcn18_fpt400_ep10 --vis_thresh 0.4 --eval_vis_output ../exp/output_dump/ --load_annotations ../data --batch_size 32 --num_workers 8 --master_batch -1 --arch resdcn_18 --load_model ../exp/gaila_ctdet/TRAIN_gaila_resdcn18_fpt400_ep10/model_last.pth