A controller written in CPP to control maxon DC motor, support position, velocity & current control, communicate with controller using rospy
float64 position # used as step counter
float64 torque
int16 init # if true, the controller random init a state
float64[3] state_new # cos() sin() velocity
float64 reward #used
bool done # used
float64 velocity # not used, calc by differenciate position
float64 position_new #-pi to pi, now not used
float64 current # not used
using USB mode, no need to set baudrate
for EPOS2 setup for linux, see docs/EPOS Command Library.pdf
for driver and library, find 'EPOS_Linux_Library' on maxon official site(https://www.maxonmotorusa.com/maxon/view/product/control/Positionierung/347717)
- g_usNodeId = 1;
- g_deviceName = "EPOS2";
- g_protocolStackName = "MAXON SERIAL V2";
- g_interfaceName = "USB";
- g_portName = "USB0";
client: request position or torque
server: receive request and execute, return new state and info, then wait for new request
controller.cpp: node for controlling torque for servo1 controller2.cpp: node for controlling torque for servo2 controller3.cpp: node for controlling torque for servo1&2
test_epos2.cpp: test for develop wrap.cpp: wrap api to make code clean and easy to program time_test.cpp: test time
position_server.cpp: create service to control postion current_server.cpp: create service to control current velocity_server.cpp: create service to control velocity
request.py: node for requesting service and get info from controller, now backup, not for use
position_client.py: request position control service current_client.py: request current control service velocity_client.py: request velocity control service
use as a ros package, put the whole epos2 files under workspace/src and compile with catkin
# under ${workspace}
rosrun epos2 current_server
# in another terminal window
rosrun epos2 current_client.py
- try ros control