The ftm_msgs package provides a recommended interface to be used when developing FTM application in ROS. The recommended interface consists of three main blocks:
- FTMSensor - a node that performs periodic FTM measurements for a given list of FTM Responders.
- LCIActionServer - An action server node that implements the following:
- Performs an on-demand LCI requests for a given list of FTM responders
- Exposes Action to perform LCI request for a list of responders
- Can be configured to publish LCI measurements results to a topic. If so, publishes results to ftm/lci topic
- LCIRegistry - An optional node implementing the following:
- Stores FTM Responders data
- Subscribes to ftm/lci topic in order to update its data structure
- Exposes CRUD services
ftm_msgs package provides the definitions of the Messages, Services and Actions needed in order to implement the architecture described above.