PyQuiz is an interactive quiz game built with Python. The aim was to create and application and learn the basics of python GUI programming with TKinter. As I explored Tkinter more, I thought of developing this simplest game.
The PyQuiz opens up with multiple choice questions and increments your score with 5 as you answer correctly in the game and reduces 5 points for every incorrect answer. It also asks you for your confirmation while exiting the application.
Release: v0.2 29th September, 2017.
Release: v0.3 18th December, 2017.
To install PyQuiz! to your system,
sudo pip install py-quiz
or clone this repo, and fire
$ sudo python install
from the cloned repository.
Just fire up the command py-quiz
in your terminal
$ py-quiz
Create basic applicationAdd score counterAdd questions from JSON file.Create apip
installer packageConfirm quit option- Resize Window as per question length. ( If somebody can help me with this, it'll be great!)
Check the file on how to contribute to this open source project.
PyQuiz is maintained at Any questions/suggestions are welcome. Feel free to drop an email: abhijit[dot]nathwani[at]gmail[dot]com or raise and issue with the repo.