Spring Boot - ReactJS - Esp32 Socket IOT Project
Here is my IoT project using Spring Boot Stomp Socket - ReactJs - esp32 (and Arduino). You can control your IoT device from everywhere. And also sending bidirectional real-time data is possible. Just you have to connect to wifi, then it will automatically connect to our spring boot web socket.
I wrote a web socket using java spring boot (it depends to you - you can write with js or python).
It is connecting to this websocket using one of the esp32's socket libraries.
Esp32's role is; receiving data from the socket and transmitting commands to the arduino uno who is connected to the rx tx. And in addition, a data from arduino uno transmits it to our socket server.
Arduino uno, on the other hand, performs the task of opening the relay and sending the value in the potentiometer to us, according to the incoming commands.
I also prepared a simple frontend (reactjs). With using this website, you can connect to the socket server and send command or view the data which are coming from esp32.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4T_D970Yvs
Keywords: esp32 socket client
socket web server