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pull from master, checkout branch, make changes and commits, push to branch, submit pr, let other ppl know, others will review and merge it for you

Branch and Commit Naming Conventions

For CI/CD/Versioning: use title INIT-your_change_here_in_underscores

For any Frontend changes: use title FE-your_change_here_in_underscores

For any backend change: use title BE-your_change_here_in_underscores

To commit files: use commit message "YOUR BRANCH NAME then your commit message"

Ex: "FE-make_share_button created some button"

For running

Mac User

Install NVM

restart terminal

nvm install

nvm install 20.10.0
nvm use 20.10.0

Windows User

either install node version 20.10.0 or install NVM for windows

install docker desktop

open it when running this application

TODO: replace mongodb url in docker-compose later

For production:

npm run build

deploy contents of build directory to web server

to run: go to backend/ssl run this command

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem -days 365

docker-compose up

Frontend is at localhost:3000

Backend is at localhost:8000

add .env file inside backend folder: add your openai api key

In your .env file
