g3GXT is a simple gxt builder for GTAIII and GTAVC (and consequently for LCS and VCS too).
Just run the .cmd for your Visual Studio version and let premake5 generate a solution for you.
Use g3GXT_iii.exe, drag n' drop a source TXT file and a GXT file will be generated with the same filename as the input text file.
Use g3GXT_vc.exe, drag n' drop a folder that contains source TXTs and a GXT file will be generated with the same name as the input folder.
This is a ~r~very fancy ~w~label!!! {And this is a comment}
This is also another {fancy, nah let's comment that} ~g~cute ~w~label...
Comments are also multiline
No text for you.
Don't forget that label names must be 7 characters maximum; latin lettes, number or underscores.
GTAIII's gxt source is one big TXT file. GTAVC's source is split up into multiple TXTs, one for each script.
GTAIII's gxt source (along with an official builder called 'gxtmaker') is leaked in the mobile version (albeit modified a bit). GTAVC/LCS/VCS gxt source can be recreated with gxttotxt. Drag n' drop a GXT file with VC format, and a folder will be created with source TXTs.