Simple small class for parsing data from WordStat via yandex direct api
$ python -m pip install YandexWordStatAPI
from YandexWordstatAPI.WordStatAPI import *
import time
Yandex sandbox url =
Yandex full access url =
url ='' # api url
token = 'AgAAAAAX1GmLIIX9s4uEoSNiSEyjjxTsAHZ0p8w' # Token to access Yandex.Direct API
username = 'yandex.username' # Username to get points value
API = WordStatAPI(url, token, username)
phrases = [
exclude = [
geo = [] # Can be let empty
data = API.compose_data(phrases, exclude) # Compose data with exclude phrases
# Methods
units = API.get_client_units() # Get client units. ref:
print(f"You have {units['data'][0]['UnitsRest']}")
report_id = API.create_report(data, geo)['data'] # Create new report, it will be redy in ~2 minutes. ref:
print(f"The report wit id {report_id} is creating")
report_list = API.get_report_list() # Get report list, you can wait til the report will be ready, or just check it later. ref:
last_report = report_list['data'][-1]
while lastReport['StatusReport'] != 'Done':
if lastReport['StatusReport'] == 'Failed':
raise Exception('Failed to create report')
print('Report is creating...')
lastReport = API.get_report_list()['data'][-1]
report = API.readReport(report_id) # Read report data by its id. ref:
API.save_report_to_txt(report, searched_also_flag=True) # Save all data to txt, can be undone if not necessary
response = API.delete_report(report_id) # Delete Wordstat report, it can be done when you reach report number limit(5 reports)
if response['data'] == 1:
print(f'Report with id {report_id} was successfully deleted')