The R Package gets provides General-to-Specific (GETS) modelling of the mean and variance of a regression, and Indicator Saturation (ISAT) methods for detecting and testing for structural breaks in the mean. Facilities for user-specified GETS and ISAT methods are also provided.
The CRAN webpage of the package is: Here, on Github, we provide the development version of the package. For an overview of the files and folders, see below under 'Overview of files and folders'.
The following R command installs the stable version from CRAN:
install.packages('gets', dependencies = TRUE)
To install the current development version available here at Github, use the following command:
repos = NULL, type = "source"
- An introduction (PDF):
- User-specified GETS and ISAT (PDF):
- Webpage:
- CRAN webpage:
This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL (>= 2)
The folder gets contains the 'raw-material' of the current development version of the package. The file gets_devel.tar.gz contains a tarball of the package that has passed the CRAN checks. See the instructions above for how to install this version.
The source code of the package is contained in the following files in the gets/R/ folder:
The first file contains the base functions of the package, and the functions related to the arx() function. The second file contains the functions related to the isat() function. The third file contains the functions related to the dlogitx() function. The fourth file contains the functions related to the lm() function. The associated help-files are contained in the folder named gets/man/.
The files in 0-make-and-check-tarball-by-G is used by the maintainer to build and CRAN-check the tarball.
The files in 0-test-files-by-G are used by the maintainer to test the code before a new version is released. A subset of these tests is automatically invoked by the test-files in the gets/tests/ folder.
The remaining files on Github are auxiliary files, or prototypes of new ideas and functionality.