Let Me Answer That For You is a limited domain question answering system that was developed for CS6320 Natural Language Processing - spring 2019 by Prof. Mithun Balakrishna.
The problem statement was to implement a Question Answering (QA) system using NLP features and techniques for the following Question Types:
- WHO questions
- Who founded Apple Inc.?
- Who supported Apple in creating a new computing platform?
- WHEN questions:
- When was Apple Inc. founded?
- When did Apple go public?
- WHERE questions:
- Where is Apple’s headquarters?
- Where did Apple open its first retail store?
The system would need parsed web articles in a text format.
Expected Input: Natural language question
Expected Output:
- Exact answer phrase(s)
- Supporting sentence(s) in Wikipedia document
- Supporting Wikipedia document name(s)
More details in the project-description.pdf file.
- Python 3.7
- Stanford CoreNLP 3.9.2
- Elastricsearch 6.6.0
Stanford Core NLP is expected to run at localhost:9000 Elastricsearch is expected to run at localhost:9020
pip install requests nltk CoreNLPParser CoreNLPDependencyParser PorterStemmer Elasticsearch
- Run
in commandline to parse the files - they are expected to be in the same directory in a folder Wikipedia articles. The parsed files are saved into a pipeline folder. - Run
to dump json parses from step 1 and index them to elastic search. - Run
- expects a file name (questions seperated by lines in a single file) Example: questions.txt, ouput is generated in a output.txt file formatted as a json structure.
Sample I/O:
"Question": "Who founded Apple Inc.?",
"answers": {
"1": "Jobs , Wozniak and Ronald Wayne Computer Inc.",
"2": "NeXT , Jobs Inc.",
"documents": {
"1": "SteveJobs.txt",
"2": "SteveJobs.txt",
"sentences": {
"1": "Jobs, Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple Computer (now called Apple Inc.) in the garage of Jobs's Los Altos home on Crist Drive.",
"2": "1985–1997\nNeXT computer\nFollowing his resignation from Apple in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT Inc. with $7 million.",