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This package contains the complete Berkeley "BSIM" archive, from, as of December 2, 2008,
including the latest BSIM4 (BSIM463) dated September 19, 2008.

The models are licensed under Berkeley's license.  See the file
COPYING for details.  Note that this is not GPL.

The "Include" directory contains files from Spice 3f5.  A few of them
have been modified with an #ifdef to make them optionally compatible
with Spice 3e2 models.  Some of them are stubs.

There are no modifications to any of the BSIM code, other than to add
a "Makefile" and "wrapper.h" for each one.  Most of them were written
for Spice 3f5, but some older ones were written for Spice 3e2.
Ordinarily they are incompatible, but here just specifying which
format it is in the Makefile takes care of it.

They have been minimally tested, and appear to work.  Minimal testing
means that one or two tests were run on the latest of each kind, and
they appear to give believable reslts.  A few tests were run comparing
to references supplied by Berkeley, and the results match within set

There may be a problem with the BSIMSOI models when not all nodes are
specified and the temperature node is used.  If you use the
temperature node, specify all nodes.  Use of the temperature node
without other optional nodes has not been tested, and probably doesn't

All of these override the "M" device.  The "M" device will be the last
one loaded.  If you want to have more than one type, use the dot form
to select which one.  If you want variants of the same model, such as
BSIM420 and BSIM460, you may need to make changes to the wrapper.h
file and recompile.


This applies to this snapshot.  It will change.

If you unpacked in the same directory as the gnucap source, a new
directory will appear there.  If so, the links should be set to build.
Just cd to models-bsim and type "make".

If you unpacked anywhere else, you need to configure it manually.
The only configuration needed is to make a symbolic link to the 
gnucap sources as "Gnucap".

The command will be something like:
   ln -s ../gnucap-xxxx/src Gnucap
but substitute the real name for xxxx.

If you are building with a compiler other than gcc and g++, you will
need to change the "Make2" file.  If you are cross-compiling with
mingw, update the "Make2" symlink to point to "Make2.mingw".  For
anything else, delete the symlink and make a new "Make2" as a copy of
"Make2.gcc", and edit the copy to your needs.

The Makefile supports only "make all" and "make clean".  It doesn't
yet install.  It has not yet been determined how the final install
should be arranged.  Your feedback will be appreciated.

When you run "make", it builds a ".so" file in each directory.  These
can be placed anywhere that is convenient.  You can use them in gnucap
with the "attach" command.  If there are no slashes in the name, it
uses the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to locate them.  If the
name has a slash, the usual rules for finding files apply.

To install, you can copy the ".so" files to where you want them.


Testing is not as complete as I would like.

All BSIM3 and BSIM4 pass all tests so far.

BSIMSOI4p0 requires 6 or 7 nodes.
It doesn't work with 5 nodes.
Other than that, it seems to work,
but not much has been tested.

Other BSIMSOI ..  untested, but expected to work,
with an expected problem if you don't use all connections.


look-up table for bsim model(s)







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