the disintermediated web
an era of dumb terminals
- webrtc
- IndexedDB
- Media{Recorder,Source}
- webgl
too much technology depends on centrally controlled servers:
- requires an internet connection
- high latency
- copyright/political/economic censorship
- real-name policies
- requiring a mobile phone number
- platforms can turn off access whenever they want
- datacenters are already distributed systems
- move the algorithms out to the clients
- then cut out the middlemen (servers)
have a problem that centralized services cannot solve well:
- offline
- data replication
- live streaming
- very large files
(not an exaustive list)
- global concensus (Don't have this problem in the first place)
- availability
and hard/impossible with centralized services:
- infinitely scalable file transfer
- log-based data replication
- offline/marginal networking
EVERYTHING happens on the client.
The client is the only place where anything CAN happen.
Servers are clients, too.
var sodium = require('chloride/browser')
var keypair = sodium.crypto_sign_keypair()
var keys = {
publicKey: keypair.publicKey.toString('hex'),
secretKey: keypair.secretKey.toString('hex')
console.log('PUBLIC KEY:', keys.publicKey)
var fs = require('fs')
fs.writeFile('keys.json', JSON.stringify(keys))
var sodium = require('chloride/browser')
var keypair = require('./keys.json')
var secretKey = Buffer(keypair.secretKey, 'hex')
var msg = new Buffer('hello london!')
var sig = sodium.crypto_sign_detached(msg, secretKey)
var sodium = require('chloride/browser')
var publicKey = Buffer(require('./keys.json').publicKey, 'hex')
var sig = Buffer(process.argv[2], 'hex')
var msg = new Buffer('hello london!')
var ok = sodium.crypto_sign_verify_detached(sig, msg, publicKey)
public key or the hash of a public key
store the user id on a DHT or don't
architectures for services that nobody can own:
- DHTs (used by bittorrent, ipfs)
- kappa architecture (sometimes called "event sourcing")
append-only log is the source of truth
indexes (materialized views) are built on top of the log
- webrtc-swarm
- hyperlog
- hypercore
- hyperdrive
- webtorrent/torrent-stream
- ipfs
- connect to random peers interested in the same topic
- replicate data
(easy to build with webrtc-swarm)
first, some modules...
var swarm = require('webrtc-swarm')
var signalhub = require('signalhub')
var memdb = require('memdb')
var sodium = require('chloride/browser')
var hsodium = require('hyperlog-sodium')
var split = require('split2')
var through = require('through2')
set up the swarm and hyperlog
var keypair = sodium.api.crypto_sign_keypair()
var log = hyperlog(memdb(), hsodium(sodium, keypair))
var hubs = [ '' ]
var sw = swarm(signalhub(keypair.publicKey.toString('hex'), hubs))
populate the log
process.stdin.pipe(split()).pipe(through(function (buf, enc, next) {
log.append(buf, function (err, node) {
if (err) console.error(err)
else console.log(node.key)
sw.on('peer', function (peer, id) {
first, some modules...
var swarm = require('webrtc-swarm')
var signalhub = require('signalhub')
var memdb = require('memdb')
var sodium = require('chloride/browser')
var hsodium = require('hyperlog-sodium')
set up the swarm and hyperlog
var publicKey = process.argv[2]
var log = hyperlog(memdb(), hsodium(sodium, { publicKey: publicKey }))
var hubs = [ '' ]
var sw = swarm(signalhub(publicKey, hubs))
log.createReadStream({ live: true })
.on('data', console.log)
sw.on('peer', function (peer, id) {
- your followers will help host your data when you are offline
- aside from the signalhub, direct p2p connections