Now available as .deb package for linux, including desktop launcher.
Currently implemented:
- Dxf read, write and save example.
- Opencascade cad view, selecting base contours by mouse click.
- Supports offset by cad-layer.
- Supports contour offset values: -, + or 0 (no offset).
- Depth sequence, "keep parts together" kpt output algorimte.
- Lead-in, lead-out for offsets.
- Supports single-open, multiple-open, single-closed and multiple-closed primitive offsets.
- Generates a gcode.ngc output file located in build directory.
- Can add line-numbers to the gcode.ngc file.
- Supports pockets with or without islands. Base offset + Internal pocket offset.
- Supports multiple operation output.
- Supports second head + xyz tool offsets.
- Shows rapids.