A survey of crypto library usage in Github Repositories. Created by Scott Griffy for Charles Winstead's CS586 Introduction to DBMS class at Portland State University, Fall 2018.
I created a scraper, database, and web interface that allows users to ask questions about the usage of different crypto libraries on github.
I ended up targeting 9 specific C crypto libraries due to the accuracy while querying them and their popularity:
openssl - info
libsodium - info
wolfssl - info
gnutls - info
libtomcrypt - info
mbedtls - info
nettle - info
libgcrypt - info
matrixssl - info
I used the Github API to populate my database, using the 'requests' package of python.
grad_project_er.py: used to generate the ER diagram and schema scrape.py: used to gather data from Github and put it into the data frontend.py: used to serve the data in the form of a web app
I've currently got a demo running at http://cara.bid:8002/.
The proj_sub*.pdf files were submissions for this project for the class.