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"Yet Another Markdown Language"

Draft Version 0.0.1a

  • "YAML in Markdown, but better!"
  • "JSON without curly brackets!"
  • "Yet Another Dumb Language!"
    • some random person on the Interwebz


Essential Quality of life Changes

  • Indentations are done with Tabs
    • Data is organized in TSV [tab-seperated values] tables
    • data can be called indirectly
      • YADL to YAML compiltation is easily possible!

Tabs will be replaced with spaces, because YAML using spaces is just cringe and I'll refuse to do that bullshit!

Changes compared to Markdown

Line Breaks just work, no double spaces at the end.

  • Empty lines are easy to do.
    • Paragraphs are seperated by double empty lines.
    • Added HTML5 elements
    <audio	src=./media/sample.ogg	alt=this is a sample audio file>
    <video	src=./media/video.webm	alt=this is a sample video file>
    <image	src=./media/image.webp	alt=this is a sample image file>
    <table	src=./media/table.tsv	alt=this is a sample table>
    <file	src=/media/file.bin	alt=this is a sample binary file>
    • Easy compilation to HTML5
      • Embedding of files
        • This is seriously disrecommended and instead files should be organized in a relative hierachy like within ePub and Tarballs!
        <file "filename" encoding=base64>

Unique Features

Embeddable Text

Embeddable Tables

  • tab-seperated values
    • inline TSV using
      • <table "table name" alt=inline table sample>
  • Easy to compile to JSON
    • Embeddable JSON
      • Allows for interactive just-in-time requests
        • i.e. Exchange Rates [to be requested via an HTTP-API]

Diferent Comment Types

##	Comment to Comment
#!	Important Comment
#!!	Very Important Comment
#?	Further Reading/Research required
#??	Needs Clarification
#s	Spoiler
#t	Tip
#n	Notes
#q	Question
#q!	Important Question
#a	Answer
#a!	Important Answer
#c	<language=bash>	Code

Links across protocols

  • HTTP(S)	<link	src=>
    FTP(S)	<link	src=>
    IPFS	<link	src=ipfs://...>
    magnet	<link	magnet:...>
    Torrent	<link	torrent://...>
    • Webseeds, incl. IPFS are supported.

Proper Citations & Acknowlegements

  • Webpage	<cite	src=	Xavier Sample et. al.	Sample Title	Date of Retrieval (optional snapshot link)>
    Books	<cite	ISBN=...	p:420	l:13	Sample et. al.	Sample Book	1st Edition>
    Mags	<cite	ISSN=...	p:69	l:4		Sample Title	Sample Magazine 23/2022>
    Laws	<cite	Law	§ ...	section ...	sentence ...	x. half sensence	as-of-Date>
    Courts	<cite	Case-ID	Court	page	line	sentence	half sentence	Date>
    Acknowledgements	<ack Name	Date	Reason	Comment	Source>

Optional Beautifications for GUI Rendering and Export to HTML & PDF

  • Style Markup
    • Fonts
    <font src=/media/ubuntu.otf font-family=ubuntu style=sans-serif>
    • Fonts are optional.
      • If no fonts are declared, all text has to use monospaced sans-serif [i.e. ubuntu mono]
    • Colour
    <colour="pink" #ff00ff>
    • Colours are optional.
      • If no colour is declared, the default will be amber [#FF8000] with green [#00FF00] as alternative colour on black [i.e. #000000] background.


UTF-8 per Default

  • Other Encodings need to be specified with
    at the
    of the document.
    • Besides Unicode, only ASCII is officially supported, but in theory any encoding is possible, tho it's severily discouraged!

File Extension & Conventions

.yadl file extension

  • not used as of the day of writing
    • Systems that only support 8+3 characters in filenames are all end-of-life and should not be used in any productive way.
      • .yaml is used by YAML

LF Line endings

  • OSes that use CRLF are inherently trash or EoL anyways.

Date & Time Format

  • Dates and Times are exclusively stored in only two acceptable forms:
    # Unix Timestamp
  • Other accepted formats are: YYYYMMDD,hhmmss:TZ - i.e.
    • Dates can also be presented as YYYYMMDD,-
    • Time can also be presented as -,HHMMSS
    • Unless the Timezone has been specified, it'll be interpreted as Unixtime - (human readable UTC without leap seconds).


This Document is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0.

See also