###What is it? Gitodo is a simple CLI utility to manage todo list items, using a github repo as the datastore. Todo lists are stored and managed in markdown files.
Gitodo supports sublists inside lists, as well as list/sublist creation, checking off items, listing items, and searching.
Create a new list
gitodo create FileName
Add a new Todo to a list
gitodo todo FileName "Take Over The World"
Checking off a todo item
gitodo complete FileName "Take Over The World"
Creating a sublist:
gitodo sublist FileName "Sublist Name"
Viewing a List
gitodo show FileName
Viewing only uncompleted todos:
gitodo show FileName --open
Viewing only completed todos:
gitodo show FileName --done
Remove a todo:
gitodo remove FileName "todo"
Searching for a todo:
gitodo search FileName "todo"
By default gitodo will add a heading to a new list file equal to the name of the file. To use a custom heading for your new list file, you can use the --list-name
gitodo create Concerts --list-name "Rad Shows to go see"
By default Gitodo will throw errors if you attempt to add a todo to a file that does not exist, or to a sublist that does not exist in a file. Adding the -f flag, (or --force) will suppress the errors and create the file or sublist as necessary.
If you could like a command to pertain to a sublist only during either show
or todo
commands, you may add the -s flag with the list name to follow.
Example: gitodo show FileName -s "Sublist Name"
If you would like to create a new Todo List with a sublist you can add the -s flag to add the default General sublist to the file. You can also add an argument after the -s flag to provide a custom sublist name.
Example: gitodo create FileName -s //adds General sublist
With Custom Sublist: gitodo create FileName -s "My Nifty List Name"
If you would like to add a link to a todo, you can do that easily with the -l flag.
gitodo todo SomeFileName "The Dutch" -l "http://thedutchnyc.com"
Will Result in:
- [ ] [The Dutch](http://thedutchnyc.com)
When searching for todos, you can add the -a
or --all
tag to search every .md file in the current directory.
gitodo search "Search Term" --all
By default gitodo will compile commit messages detailing each step of the process.
Added sublist General in list Books.md Todo Alice In Wonderland successfully added
If you would like to change that commit message, you can use the -m
gitodo pubish -m "We're all mad here"
###Installation Make gitodo executable, and move to a useable place.
chmod +x gitodo && cp gitodo /usr/local/bin/
Gitodo is not able to be used from inside any git repo you like.
###Upcoming Features
Support for Due Dates
View due todos
gitodo show --due
View past due todos
gitodo show --past-due
Add multiple, todos at once
move todo to different list
gitodo move FileName "Todo" "New List Name"
move todo to different file
gitodo move FileName "Todo" --file "New Filename Name"
move list to different file
gitodo move OldFileName --file NewFileName --list "list Name"
remove sublist
complete sublist
Ability to have same todo on multiple sublists
Ability to publish a single file
Allow access to lists inside subfolders