is a plugin for the pibooth application.
It adds a flash with warm white and cold white when the capture is taken.
pip3 install pibooth-flashled
sudo systemctl enable pigpiod
sudo systemctl start pigpiod
Below are the new configuration options available in the pibooth configuration. The keys and their default values are automatically added to your configuration after first pibooth restart.
# Physical GPIO OUT pin to light a warm white LED strip
warmwhite_pin = 12
# Physical GPIO OUT pin to light a cool white LED strip
coolwhite_pin = 13
# The white balance (warm white, cool white) in percent
white_balance = (50, 50)
# The brightness in percent
brightness = 50
# How long is the fade light in milliseconds (0 to skip it)
fade_delay = 1000
Edit the configuration by running the command pibooth --config
Here is the diagram for hardware connections.