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Generate bindings from the JSON files #60

wants to merge 13 commits into from
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions common.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
import eminim, std/[algorithm, strscans, strformat, streams, parsejson]
import strutils except indent

indWidth* = 2
nimKeyw = ["addr", "and", "as", "asm",
"bind", "block", "break",
"case", "cast", "concept", "const", "continue", "converter",
"defer", "discard", "distinct", "div", "do",
"elif", "else", "end", "enum", "except", "export",
"finally", "for", "from", "func",
"if", "import", "in", "include", "interface", "is", "isnot", "iterator",
"macro", "method", "mixin", "mod",
"nil", "not", "notin",
"object", "of", "or", "out",
"proc", "ptr",
"raise", "ref", "return",
"shl", "shr", "static",
"template", "try", "tuple", "type",
"when", "while",

proc isKeyword*(s: string): bool {.inline.} =
## Checks if an indentifier is a Nim keyword
binarySearch(nimKeyw, s) >= 0

## The raylib_parser produces JSON with the following structure.
## The type definitions are used by the deserializer to process the file.
Topmost* = object
structs*: seq[StructInfo]
enums*: seq[EnumInfo]
functions*: seq[FunctionInfo]

FunctionInfo* = object
name*, description*, returnType*: string
params*: Params
Params* = seq[(string, string)] # Could have used an OrderedTable instead.

StructInfo* = object
name*, description*: string
fields*: seq[FieldInfo]

FieldInfo* = object
name*, `type`*, description*: string

EnumInfo* = object
name*, description*: string
values*: seq[ValueInfo]

ValueInfo* = object
name*: string
value*: int
description*: string

# The deserializer doesn't support anonymous tuples by default, process manually.
proc initFromJson(dst: var Params; p: var JsonParser) =
eat(p, tkCurlyLe)
while p.tok != tkCurlyRi:
if p.tok != tkString:
raiseParseErr(p, "string literal as key")
var keyValPair: (string, string)
keyValPair[0] = move p.a
discard getTok(p)
eat(p, tkColon)
initFromJson(keyValPair[1], p)
dst.add keyValPair
if p.tok != tkComma: break
discard getTok(p)
eat(p, tkCurlyRi)

proc parseApi*(fname: string): Topmost =
var inp: FileStream
inp = openFileStream(fname)
result = inp.jsonTo(Topmost)
if inp != nil: inp.close()

proc addIndent*(result: var string, indent: int) =
for i in 1..indent:
result.add(' ')

proc toNimType*(x: string): string =
## Translates a single C identifier to the equivalent Nim type.
## Also used to make replacements.
case x
of "float":
of "double":
of "short":
of "long":
of "rAudioBuffer":
of "float3":
of "float16":
else: x

proc convertType*(s: string, pattern: string, many, isVar: bool): string =
## Converts a C type to the equivalent Nim type.
## Should work with function parameters, return, and struct fields types.
## If a `pattern` is provided, it substitutes the found base type and returns it.
## `many` hints the generation of `ptr UncheckedArray` instead of `ptr`.
## NOTE: expects `s` to be formatted with spaces, `MyType*` needs to be `MyType *`
var isVoid = false
var isPointer = false
var isDoublePointer = false
var isChar = false
var isUnsigned = false
var isSizeT = false
var isSigned = false
for (token, isSep) in tokenize(s):
if isSep: continue
case token
of "const":
of "void":
isVoid = true
of "*":
isPointer = true
of "**":
isDoublePointer = true
of "char":
isChar = true
of "unsigned":
isUnsigned = true
of "size_t":
isSizeT = true
of "signed":
isSigned = true
of "int":
result = toNimType(token)
if result == "": result = "int32"
if isSizeT:
result = "csize_t"
elif isChar:
if isUnsigned:
result = "uint8"
result = "char"
elif isUnsigned:
result = "u" & result
if pattern != "":
result = pattern % result
elif isChar and not isUnsigned:
if isDoublePointer:
result = "cstringArray"
elif isPointer:
result = "cstring"
elif isPointer:
if isVoid:
result = "pointer"
elif many:
result = "ptr UncheckedArray[" & result & "]"
if isVar:
result = "var " & result
else: result = "ptr " & result
elif isDoublePointer:
if isVoid:
result = "ptr pointer"
elif many:
result = "ptr UncheckedArray[ptr " & result & "]"
result = "ptr ptr " & result

proc isPlural*(x: string): bool {.inline.} =
## Tries to determine if an identifier is plural
let x = strip(x, false, chars = Digits)
x.endsWith("es") or (not x.endsWith("ss") and x.endsWith('s')) or
endsWith(x.normalize, "data")

proc transFieldName*(x: string): (string, string) =
## Returns the identifier name(s) and if an array is detected, separated.
var name: string
var len: int
# In C array definition follows the identifier, `name[4]`.
if scanf(x, "$w[$i]$.", name, len):
result = (name, &"array[{len}, $1]")
if validIdentifier(x):
result = (x, "")
# Multiple identifiers in the same line.
# Make sure all but the last one, are exported.
result = (replace(x, ",", "*,"), "")

proc camelCaseAscii*(s: string): string =
## Converts snake_case to CamelCase
var L = s.len
while L > 0 and s[L-1] == '_': dec L
result = newStringOfCap(L)
var i = 0
result.add s[i]
inc i
var flip = false
while i < L:
if s[i] == '_':
flip = true
if flip:
result.add toUpperAscii(s[i])
flip = false
else: result.add toLowerAscii(s[i])
inc i

proc allSequential*(x: seq[ValueInfo]): bool =
## Checks that the enum has no holes.
var prev = x[0].value
for i in 1..x.high:
let xi = x[i].value
if prev + 1 < xi:
return false
prev = xi
result = true

proc uncapitalizeAscii*(s: string): string =
if s.len == 0: result = ""
else: result = toLowerAscii(s[0]) & substr(s, 1)

# used internally by the genBindings procs
template ident*(x: string) =
buf.setLen 0
let isKeyw = isKeyword(x)
if isKeyw:
buf.add '`'
buf.add x
if isKeyw:
buf.add '`'
otp.write buf
template lit*(x: string) = otp.write x
template spaces* =
buf.setLen 0
addIndent(buf, indent)
otp.write buf
template scope*(body: untyped) =
inc indent, indWidth
dec indent, indWidth
template doc*(x: untyped) =
if x.description != "":
lit " ## "
lit x.description