GRDI-AMR Publication Library (
The GRDI-AMR Publication Library or GRAPL (pronounced "grapple") is a Zotero Group Library created and maintained by Brennan Chapman (@chapb) to catalogue publications associated with the GRDI-AMR1 and GRDI-AMR2 projects.
- You must be a member of the Zotero group to access full-text .PDFs and work in Zotero desktop.
Import the Library
- Get the latest .bib, .csv, and .ris exports or see the latest release.
- Create your own exports on the group page.
Submit a Publication
- You will need a DOI or URL, and the associated GRDI-AMR project and work package number(s).
- e.g., GRDI-AMR1, WP4 & WP5
- Submit a publication using this form or by creating a GitHub issue.
- You will need a DOI or URL, and the associated GRDI-AMR project and work package number(s).
Zotero (an open-source reference management software) uses 'groups' to enable shared bibliographic libraries.
GRAPL is a public, closed membership group, which means:
- Anyone can view the group page and the metadata (e.g., title, authors, abstracts) associated with the library.
- Group members can access full-text .PDFs and work with the library directly in the Zotero desktop app.
Request to join the group by creating a GitHub issue.
- for configuration details and SOPs.