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7.1. CM1

lukemartinlogan edited this page Oct 17, 2023 · 7 revisions


spack install intel-oneapi-compilers
spack load intel-oneapi-compilers
spack compilers add
spack install h5z-zfp%intel

Compiling / Installing

git clone [email protected]:lukemartinlogan/cm1r19.8-LOFS.git
cd cm1r19.8-LOFS
# COREX * COREY is the number of cores you intend to use on the system
# They do not need to be 2 and 2 here, but this is how our configurations are compiled for now
COREX=2 COREY=2 bash
export PATH=${PWD}/run:${PATH}
export CM1_PATH=${PWD}

General Usage

mpirun -n [COREX * COREY] ${CM1_PATH}/run/cm1.exe [namelist.input] [output_dir] [filename_base] [restart_dir]
  • output_dir: the directory where simulation output goes
  • filename_base: the name of the simulation file to generate
  • restart_dir: a directory to store checkpoints for a restart (I believe)

Brief overview of namelist.input

The following variables define the dimensions of a 3D grid

nx           =      16,
ny           =      16,
nz           =      16,

I set them lower to reduce extreme memory consumption in single-node cases.

These variables must be set relatively to COREX and COREY.

 nodex        =       2, !nuke
 nodey        =       2, !nuke
 rankx        =       2,
 ranky        =       2,

You must satisfy the following constraints when setting these:

  1. rankx * ranky = COREX * COREY
  2. rankx > corex and ranky > corey

Radiative Convective Equilibrium

cd ${CM1_PATH}/run/config_files/cpm_RadConvEquil
mkdir output
mpirun -n 4 ${CM1_PATH}/run/cm1.exe  ${CM1_PATH}/run/namelist.input.nssl3 output ex output

Near Future

Make a jarvis-cd package to automate all of these odd constraints for benchmarking and deployment