This library contains a variety of data structures and synchronization primitives which are compatible with shared memory.
git clone
cd hermes_shm
spack repo add scripts/hermes_shm
spack install hermes_shm
spack load hermes_shm
If you want to build the library yourself, do the following:
git clone
cd hermes_shm
spack repo add scripts/hermes_shm
spack install hermes_shm
spack load --only=dependencies hermes_shm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j8
To include hermes_shm in your cmake project, do:
find_package(HermesShm CONFIG REQUIRED)
message(STATUS "found hermes_shm.h at ${HermesShm_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
target_link_libraries(my_target ${HermesShm_LIBRARIES})
To run the tests, do the following:
To run the MPSC queue tests, do the following:
ctest -VV -R test_mpsc_queue_mpi