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Solver: Check whether components are buildable in the current environ…
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This commit handles the most common case of issue haskell#5325 by checking that each
component that is required as a dependency is buildable in the current
environment, where environment refers to the compiler, os, arch, and global flag
constraints.  The solver records whether each component is buildable in the
package's PInfo during index conversion.  Then it checks that each required
component is buildable in the validation phase, similar to the check for missing

The buildable check can give false-positives, because it only considers flags
that are set by unqualified flag constraints, and it doesn't check whether the
intra-package dependencies of a component are buildable.  The check is also
incomplete because it is performed before any automatic flags are assigned.  It
is possible for the solver to later choose a value for a flag that makes the
package unbuildable.
  • Loading branch information
grayjay committed May 21, 2018
1 parent cbdb135 commit 640e11e
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Showing 8 changed files with 236 additions and 38 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ modularResolver sc (Platform arch os) cinfo iidx sidx pkgConfigDB pprefs pcs pns
solve' sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns
-- Indices have to be converted into solver-specific uniform index.
idx = convPIs os arch cinfo (shadowPkgs sc) (strongFlags sc) (solveExecutables sc) iidx sidx
idx = convPIs os arch cinfo gcs (shadowPkgs sc) (strongFlags sc) (solveExecutables sc) iidx sidx
-- Constraints have to be converted into a finite map indexed by PN.
gcs = M.fromListWith (++) (map pair pcs)
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Index.hs
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index
( Index
, PInfo(..)
, IsBuildable(..)
, defaultQualifyOptions
, mkIndex
) where
Expand All @@ -21,11 +22,16 @@ type Index = Map PN (Map I PInfo)

-- | Info associated with a package instance.
-- Currently, dependencies, component names, flags and failure reasons.
-- The component map records whether any components are unbuildable in the
-- current environment (compiler, os, arch, and global flag constraints).
-- Packages that have a failure reason recorded for them are disabled
-- globally, for reasons external to the solver. We currently use this
-- for shadowing which essentially is a GHC limitation, and for
-- installed packages that are broken.
data PInfo = PInfo (FlaggedDeps PN) [ExposedComponent] FlagInfo (Maybe FailReason)
data PInfo = PInfo (FlaggedDeps PN) (Map ExposedComponent IsBuildable) FlagInfo (Maybe FailReason)

-- | Whether a component is made unbuildable by a "buildable: False" field.
newtype IsBuildable = IsBuildable Bool

mkIndex :: [(PN, I, PInfo)] -> Index
mkIndex xs = M.fromList (groupMap ( (\ (pn, i, pi) -> (pn, (i, pi))) xs))
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119 changes: 102 additions & 17 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/IndexConversion.hs
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Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
import Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps
( Component(..), componentNameToComponent )
import Distribution.Solver.Types.Flag
import Distribution.Solver.Types.LabeledPackageConstraint
import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex as CI
import Distribution.Solver.Types.Settings
import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
Expand All @@ -53,10 +55,13 @@ import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Version
-- resolving these situations. However, the right thing to do is to
-- fix the problem there, so for now, shadowing is only activated if
-- explicitly requested.
convPIs :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> ShadowPkgs -> StrongFlags -> SolveExecutables ->
SI.InstalledPackageIndex -> CI.PackageIndex (SourcePackage loc) -> Index
convPIs os arch comp sip strfl solveExes iidx sidx =
mkIndex (convIPI' sip iidx ++ convSPI' os arch comp strfl solveExes sidx)
convPIs :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> ShadowPkgs -> StrongFlags -> SolveExecutables
-> SI.InstalledPackageIndex -> CI.PackageIndex (SourcePackage loc)
-> Index
convPIs os arch comp constraints sip strfl solveExes iidx sidx =
mkIndex $
convIPI' sip iidx ++ convSPI' os arch comp constraints strfl solveExes sidx

-- | Convert a Cabal installed package index to the simpler,
-- more uniform index format of the solver.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,8 +92,10 @@ convId ipi = (pn, I ver $ Inst $ IPI.installedUnitId ipi)
convIP :: SI.InstalledPackageIndex -> InstalledPackageInfo -> (PN, I, PInfo)
convIP idx ipi =
case mapM (convIPId (DependencyReason pn M.empty S.empty) comp idx) (IPI.depends ipi) of
Nothing -> (pn, i, PInfo [] [] M.empty (Just Broken))
Just fds -> (pn, i, PInfo fds [ExposedLib] M.empty Nothing)
Nothing -> (pn, i, PInfo [] M.empty M.empty (Just Broken))
Just fds -> ( pn
, i
, PInfo fds (M.singleton ExposedLib (IsBuildable True)) M.empty Nothing)
(pn, i) = convId ipi
-- 'sourceLibName' is unreliable, but for now we only really use this for
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,24 +147,29 @@ convIPId dr comp idx ipid =

-- | Convert a cabal-install source package index to the simpler,
-- more uniform index format of the solver.
convSPI' :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> StrongFlags -> SolveExecutables ->
CI.PackageIndex (SourcePackage loc) -> [(PN, I, PInfo)]
convSPI' os arch cinfo strfl solveExes = (convSP os arch cinfo strfl solveExes) . CI.allPackages
convSPI' :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> StrongFlags -> SolveExecutables
-> CI.PackageIndex (SourcePackage loc) -> [(PN, I, PInfo)]
convSPI' os arch cinfo constraints strfl solveExes = (convSP os arch cinfo constraints strfl solveExes) . CI.allPackages

-- | Convert a single source package into the solver-specific format.
convSP :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> StrongFlags -> SolveExecutables -> SourcePackage loc -> (PN, I, PInfo)
convSP os arch cinfo strfl solveExes (SourcePackage (PackageIdentifier pn pv) gpd _ _pl) =
convSP :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> StrongFlags -> SolveExecutables -> SourcePackage loc -> (PN, I, PInfo)
convSP os arch cinfo constraints strfl solveExes (SourcePackage (PackageIdentifier pn pv) gpd _ _pl) =
let i = I pv InRepo
in (pn, i, convGPD os arch cinfo strfl solveExes pn gpd)
pkgConstraints = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup pn constraints
in (pn, i, convGPD os arch cinfo pkgConstraints strfl solveExes pn gpd)

-- We do not use 'flattenPackageDescription' or 'finalizePD'
-- from 'Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration' here, because we
-- want to keep the condition tree, but simplify much of the test.

-- | Convert a generic package description to a solver-specific 'PInfo'.
convGPD :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> StrongFlags -> SolveExecutables ->
PN -> GenericPackageDescription -> PInfo
convGPD os arch cinfo strfl solveExes pn
convGPD :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> StrongFlags -> SolveExecutables -> PN -> GenericPackageDescription
-> PInfo
convGPD os arch cinfo constraints strfl solveExes pn
(GenericPackageDescription pkg flags mlib sub_libs flibs exes tests benchs) =
fds = flagInfo strfl flags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,8 +235,81 @@ convGPD os arch cinfo strfl solveExes pn
-- forced to, emit a meaningful solver error message).
fr | reqSpecVer > maxSpecVer = Just (UnsupportedSpecVer reqSpecVer)
| otherwise = Nothing
PInfo flagged_deps ( (ExposedExe . fst) exes ++ [ExposedLib | isJust mlib]) fds fr

components :: Map ExposedComponent IsBuildable
components = M.fromList $ libComps ++ exeComps
libComps = [ (ExposedLib, IsBuildable $ isBuildable libBuildInfo lib)
| lib <- maybeToList mlib ]
exeComps = [ (ExposedExe name, IsBuildable $ isBuildable buildInfo exe)
| (name, exe) <- exes ]
isBuildable = isBuildableComponent os arch cinfo constraints

in PInfo flagged_deps components fds fr

-- | Returns true if the component is buildable in the given environment.
-- This function can give false-positives. For example, it only considers flags
-- that are set by unqualified flag constraints, and it doesn't check whether
-- the intra-package dependencies of a component are buildable. It is also
-- possible for the solver to later assign a value to an automatic flag that
-- makes the component unbuildable.
isBuildableComponent :: OS
-> Arch
-> CompilerInfo
-> [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> (a -> BuildInfo)
-> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a
-> Bool
isBuildableComponent os arch cinfo constraints getInfo tree =
case simplifyCondition $ extractCondition (buildable . getInfo) tree of
Lit False -> False
_ -> True
flagAssignment :: [(FlagName, Bool)]
flagAssignment =
mconcat [ unFlagAssignment fa
| PackageConstraint (ScopeAnyQualifier _) (PackagePropertyFlags fa)
<- unlabelPackageConstraint constraints]

-- Simplify the condition, using the current environment. Most of this
-- function was copied from convBranch and
-- Distribution.Types.Condition.simplifyCondition.
simplifyCondition :: Condition ConfVar -> Condition ConfVar
simplifyCondition (Var (OS os')) = Lit (os == os')
simplifyCondition (Var (Arch arch')) = Lit (arch == arch')
simplifyCondition (Var (Impl cf cvr))
| matchImpl (compilerInfoId cinfo) ||
-- fixme: Nothing should be treated as unknown, rather than empty
-- list. This code should eventually be changed to either
-- support partial resolution of compiler flags or to
-- complain about incompletely configured compilers.
any matchImpl (fromMaybe [] $ compilerInfoCompat cinfo) = Lit True
| otherwise = Lit False
matchImpl (CompilerId cf' cv) = cf == cf' && checkVR cvr cv
simplifyCondition (Var (Flag f))
| Just b <- L.lookup f flagAssignment = Lit b
simplifyCondition (Var v) = Var v
simplifyCondition (Lit b) = Lit b
simplifyCondition (CNot c) =
case simplifyCondition c of
Lit True -> Lit False
Lit False -> Lit True
c' -> CNot c'
simplifyCondition (COr c d) =
case (simplifyCondition c, simplifyCondition d) of
(Lit False, d') -> d'
(Lit True, _) -> Lit True
(c', Lit False) -> c'
(_, Lit True) -> Lit True
(c', d') -> COr c' d'
simplifyCondition (CAnd c d) =
case (simplifyCondition c, simplifyCondition d) of
(Lit False, _) -> Lit False
(Lit True, d') -> d'
(_, Lit False) -> Lit False
(c', Lit True) -> c'
(c', d') -> CAnd c' d'

-- | Create a flagged dependency tree from a list @fds@ of flagged
-- dependencies, using @f@ to form the tree node (@f@ will be
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Message.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,9 @@ showFR _ (MissingPkgconfigPackage pn vr) = " (conflict: pkg-config package " ++
showFR _ (NewPackageDoesNotMatchExistingConstraint d) = " (conflict: " ++ showConflictingDep d ++ ")"
showFR _ (ConflictingConstraints d1 d2) = " (conflict: " ++ L.intercalate ", " ( showConflictingDep [d1, d2]) ++ ")"
showFR _ (NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (does not contain " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ ", which is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ (NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is not buildable in the current environment, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ (PackageRequiresMissingComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component does not exist)"
showFR _ (PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is not buildable in the current environment)"
showFR _ CannotInstall = " (only already installed instances can be used)"
showFR _ CannotReinstall = " (avoiding to reinstall a package with same version but new dependencies)"
showFR _ Shadowed = " (shadowed by another installed package with same version)"
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Tree.hs
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Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,9 @@ data FailReason = UnsupportedExtension Extension
| NewPackageDoesNotMatchExistingConstraint ConflictingDep
| ConflictingConstraints ConflictingDep ConflictingDep
| NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent ExposedComponent (DependencyReason QPN)
| NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent ExposedComponent (DependencyReason QPN)
| PackageRequiresMissingComponent QPN ExposedComponent
| PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent QPN ExposedComponent
| CannotInstall
| CannotReinstall
| Shadowed
Expand Down
59 changes: 44 additions & 15 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Validate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ data ValidateState = VS {
pa :: PreAssignment,

-- Map from package name to the components that are provided by the chosen
-- instance of that package.
availableComponents :: Map QPN [ExposedComponent],
-- instance of that package, and whether those components are buildable.
availableComponents :: Map QPN (Map ExposedComponent IsBuildable),

-- Map from package name to the components that are required from that
-- package.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ validate = cata go
newDeps = do
nppa <- mnppa
rComps' <- extendRequiredComponents aComps rComps newactives
checkComponentsInNewPackage rComps qpn comps
checkComponentsInNewPackage (M.findWithDefault M.empty qpn rComps) qpn comps
return (nppa, rComps')
in case newDeps of
Left (c, fr) -> -- We have an inconsistency. We can stop.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,17 +299,31 @@ validate = cata go
local (\ s -> s { pa = PA nppa pfa npsa, requiredComponents = rComps' }) r

-- | Check that a newly chosen package instance contains all components that
-- are required from that package so far.
checkComponentsInNewPackage :: Map QPN ComponentDependencyReasons
-- are required from that package so far. The components must also be buildable.
checkComponentsInNewPackage :: ComponentDependencyReasons
-> QPN
-> [ExposedComponent]
-> Map ExposedComponent IsBuildable
-> Either Conflict ()
checkComponentsInNewPackage required qpn providedComps =
case M.toList $ deleteKeys providedComps (M.findWithDefault M.empty qpn required) of
(missingComp, dr) : _ -> let cs = CS.insert (P qpn) $ dependencyReasonToCS dr
in Left (cs, NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent missingComp dr)
[] -> Right ()
case M.toList $ deleteKeys (M.keys providedComps) required of
(missingComp, dr) : _ ->
Left $ mkConflict missingComp dr NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent
[] ->
case M.toList $ deleteKeys buildableProvidedComps required of
(unbuildableComp, dr) : _ ->
Left $ mkConflict unbuildableComp dr NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent
[] -> Right ()
mkConflict :: ExposedComponent
-> DependencyReason QPN
-> (ExposedComponent -> DependencyReason QPN -> FailReason)
-> Conflict
mkConflict comp dr mkFailure =
(CS.insert (P qpn) (dependencyReasonToCS dr), mkFailure comp dr)

buildableProvidedComps :: [ExposedComponent]
buildableProvidedComps = [comp | (comp, IsBuildable True) <- M.toList providedComps]

deleteKeys :: Ord k => [k] -> Map k v -> Map k v
deleteKeys ks m = L.foldr M.delete m ks

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,9 +480,9 @@ merge (MergedDepConstrained vrOrigins) (PkgDep vs2 (PkgComponent _ comp2) (Const

-- | Takes a list of new dependencies and uses it to try to update the map of
-- known component dependencies. It returns a failure when a new dependency
-- requires a component that is missing from one of the previously chosen
-- requires a component that is missing or unbuildable in a previously chosen
-- packages.
extendRequiredComponents :: Map QPN [ExposedComponent]
extendRequiredComponents :: Map QPN (Map ExposedComponent IsBuildable)
-> Map QPN ComponentDependencyReasons
-> [LDep QPN]
-> Either Conflict (Map QPN ComponentDependencyReasons)
Expand All @@ -483,11 +497,26 @@ extendRequiredComponents available = foldM extendSingle
-- already been chosen.
case M.lookup qpn available of
Just comps
| L.notElem comp comps -> let cs = CS.insert (P qpn) (dependencyReasonToCS dr)
in Left (cs, PackageRequiresMissingComponent qpn comp)
_ -> Right $ M.insertWith M.union qpn (M.insert comp dr compDeps) required
| M.notMember comp comps ->
Left $ mkConflict qpn comp dr PackageRequiresMissingComponent
| L.notElem comp (buildableComps comps) ->
Left $ mkConflict qpn comp dr PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent
_ ->
Right $ M.insertWith M.union qpn (M.insert comp dr compDeps) required
extendSingle required _ = Right required

mkConflict :: QPN
-> ExposedComponent
-> DependencyReason QPN
-> (QPN -> ExposedComponent -> FailReason)
-> Conflict
mkConflict qpn comp dr mkFailure =
(CS.insert (P qpn) (dependencyReasonToCS dr), mkFailure qpn comp)

buildableComps :: Map comp IsBuildable -> [comp]
buildableComps comps = [comp | (comp, IsBuildable True) <- M.toList comps]

-- | Interface.
validateTree :: CompilerInfo -> Index -> PkgConfigDb -> Tree d c -> Tree d c
validateTree cinfo idx pkgConfigDb t = runValidate (validate t) VS {
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