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Gravity Department

GravDept Modal

Simple modals with useful options.




Two ways to use

  • Create a modal and open it immediately.
  • Trigger preconfigured modals hidden in the document.

UI and transitions

  • The modal is positioned to best fit the viewport.
  • The modal and backdrop are animated when opening and closing.
  • Replace an open model with a pleasing transition.


  • Click the backdrop to close (can be disabled).
  • Press ESC to close (can be disabled).
  • Custom events are dispatched when opened and closed.
  • On close, the modal HTML automatically removes itself.


  • Uses <section> to isolate heading hierarchy.
  • Uses role="dialog" attribute.
  • Uses aria-label attribute for close buttons.
  • Focus is saved and restored when the modal closes.


  • Pass a config object to override any default.
  • Override SCSS vars for styling.


  • None


Include the script in your page (and polyfills for IE11):

<script defer src="path/to/polyfill-custom-event.js"></script>
<script defer src="path/to/polyfill-element-closest.js"></script>
<script defer src="path/to/polyfill-object-assign.js"></script>
<script defer src="path/to/modal.js"></script>

Create and open a modal immediately

var content = [
    '<div class="modal_header">',
        '<h1>Modal Title</h1>',
    '<div class="modal_body">',
        '<p>Nulla facilisi. Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit.</p>',

var modal = new Modal({
    content: content.join(''),
    width: 's'

Set up modals to open via an event listener

Add modal triggers and content to your HTML:

<button type="button" data-modal-trigger="example-modal">
    Show Modal

<script type="text/template" data-modal="example-modal">
    <div class="modal_header">
        <h1>Modal Title</h1>

    <div class="modal_body">
            Nulla facilisi. Duis aliquet egestas purus in blandit.
            Curabitur vulputate, ligula lacinia scelerisque tempor,
            lacus lacus ornare ante, ac egestas est urna sit amet arcu.

    <div class="modal_footer">
        <button type="button">

        <button type="button" data-modal-close>

Add a delegated event listener to trigger each modal:

document.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    if ( &&'[data-modal-trigger]')) {

        var trigger ='[data-modal-trigger]');
        var config  = {};
        var modal   = trigger.getAttribute('data-modal-trigger');
        var width   = trigger.getAttribute('data-modal-width');

        config.content = document.querySelector('[data-modal="' + modal + '"]').innerHTML;

        if (width) {
            config.width = width;

        new Modal(config);

Note: use because the clickable element may contain child elements. Using won't work in that case.


Configuration options

var config = {
    addCloseButton:     true,                  // {boolean} - Add a close link to the modal.
    allowBackdropClose: true,                  // {boolean} - Clicking the backdrop will close the modal.
    allowEscapeClose:   true,                  // {boolean} - Pressing "ESC" will close the modal.
    class:              '',                    // {string}  - Class on "modal" element.
    closeButtonLabel:   'Close',               // {string}  - Label for the "close" link.
    content:            null,                  // {string}  - String of HTML content to render in the modal.
    id:                 'modal-' +, // {string}  - ID on "modal" element.
    transitionEndTime:  500,                   // {number}  - Milliseconds for the modal transition to complete (duration + delay) as set in CSS.
    width:              'base'                 // {string}  - "base|fluid|s|l" - Max width of the modal.

Custom events

These events fire on the element assigned to this.$modal and bubble up:

  • modal-opened
  • modal-closed