Graphcast is a decentralized, distributed peer-to-peer (P2P) communication tool that allows Indexers across the network to exchange information in real-time. This registry contract allows Indexers to register a separate identity to send messages on the Graphcast network as an Indexer securely.
To see the full idea behind Graphcast, you can check out our docs for it.
Graphcast Registry contract allows an address to set GraphcastID by calling setGraphcastID(indexer_address, graphcastID_address)
as either indexer or indexer operator, or calling setGraphcastID(graphcastID_address)
as the indexer address. The relationship between an indexer address to its GraphcastID is limited to 1:1, and cannot be set to itself. This restriction provides consistency and security for the indexer identity to operate on Graphcast as one GraphcastID operating across radio applications.
The initial GraphcastID for all addresses are simply 0x0. Calling setGraphcastIDFor
with a new address will overwrite the previous relationship, and can be unset completely by setting the address back to 0x0.
The contract is verified, upgradable, and owned by a Gnosis safe multisig. Any upgrades to the Registry contract will require signature from the multisig.
To deploy the contract, provide environmental variables as shown in .env.example
With Hardhat CLI:
npx hardhat node
if you would like to deploy in a local environment.npx hardhat compile
to compile the Registry contract.npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network [localhost/goerli/mainnet]
to simply deploy the contract.npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade.js --network [localhost/goerli/mainnet]
to upgrade the contract.npx hardhat run scripts/deploy_verify_admin.js --network [localhost/goerli/mainnet]
to run the script that deploys, verifies, and update admin address of the contract. Provide the Gnosis safe address as the proxy admin for secure upgrades.
The contract proxy addresses are listed below, which should link to implementation and proxyAdmin addresses.
Network ID | Network | Proxy Contract Address |
1 | Mainnet |
0x89f97698d6006f25570cd2e31737d3d22aedcbcf |
5 | Goerli |
0x26ebbA649FAa7b56FDB8DE9Ea17aF3504B76BFA0 |
42161 | Arbitrum-one |
0xfae79e8cb8fbac2408e5baf89262bd92b6ca464a |
421613 | Arbitrum-goerli |
0x50c2d70a41ecefe4cc54a331457ea204ecf97292 |
421614 | Arbitrum-sepolia |
0x17c3a072E5b1B2c260C29D289ee2E7372b8f7C69 |
Setting a graphcast id on the registry require validation through The Graph network contracts, listed below.
- Service Registry is used in the Registry subgraph to validate an indexer account on The Graph, as it checks if an Eth address is a registered indexer to the Graph network.
- Staking contract validates the indexer authorization to an operator. The registry contract uses the staking contract
function to allow either indexer address or an indexer operator to call setGraphcastIDFor.
Network ID | Network | Service Registry | Staking contract |
1 | Mainnet |
0xaD0C9DaCf1e515615b0581c8D7E295E296Ec26E6 |
0xF55041E37E12cD407ad00CE2910B8269B01263b9 |
5 | Goerli |
0x7CF8aD279E9F26b7DAD2Be452A74068536C8231F |
0x35e3Cb6B317690d662160d5d02A5b364578F62c9 |
42161 | Arbitrum-one |
0x072884c745c0A23144753335776c99BE22588f8A |
0x00669A4CF01450B64E8A2A20E9b1FCB71E61eF03 |
421613 | Arbitrum-goerli |
0x07ECDD4278D83Cd2425cA86256634f666b659e53 |
0xcd549d0C43d915aEB21d3a331dEaB9B7aF186D26 |
Name | Description |
Eth Network address private key |
Eth Network block provider API endpoint (ex. Infura, Alchemy, ...) |
Eth Network Gnosis Safe address for contract owner |
Eth Network Contract proxy address for upgrading the contract |
Etherscan (or Arbiscan) account API key used for contract verification |
Openzeppelin Upgrade defender key for upgrading the contract |
Openzeppelin Upgrade defender secret key for upgrading the contract |
After writing the new contract version (GraphcastRegistryV#
), update upgrade.js
with the new version number, double check the proxy address, and run the script.
Update the abis files from generated artifcats.
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