Steps to compile and deploy:
- don't upgrade to npm@5, stay with the latest 4 version
- npm i -g cordova
- npm i -g ionic
- install gradle manually
- git clone the project
- ionic cordova platform add ios (or android) - it will install the platform and the plugins from the package.json
- ionic cordovavrun iOS or android --device - it will build and deploy to the platform of your choice
For iOS:
- Install xcode before trying to build the project
- Open the project with Xcode and choose a signing key
For Android:
- Install the android sdk version 25 before building
There are two ways of managing the cordova plugins:
- Using cordova cli(cordova platform add or cordova prepare). It will read the plugins from the package.json file and update the config.xml.
- Using ionic cli(ionic state restore). It will read the plugins from the package.json file.
With the new ionic cli:
- run ionic cordova run android to launch the app on your device