Last GNU Radio update: 5/15/17
Installation has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 successfully.
To install using pybombs you must of the gr-etcetra recipe directory available. As of writing (5/1/17) the updates to gr-etcetra recipes have not been merged into master, but are located within this repo in the directory 'recipes.'
With the recipes installed run (swap 'prefix' for your pybombs prefix)
$ pybombs -p prefix install gr-signal_exciter
In the case that there are cloning issues, and the above fails
$ cd path/to/prefix/src/
$ git clone
$ pybombs -p prefix install gr-signal_exciter
Dependencies are:
1. cmake
2. gnuradio
3. boost
4. libboost-random
5. libjsoncpp
6. eigen3
The eigen3 headers are included from pulled source 'eigen-eigen-b9cd8366d4e8' (3.2.10 and will be installed to $prefix/include/eigen3. See eigen_license/ for copied over license files.
$ git clone
$ cd gr-signal_exciter
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$cmakebuildtype -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix -Wno-dev
$ make
$ make install
If the previous version that made use of libconfig is already present, please do a clean install.