git assessment-control project
How to push your changes to GitHub 1 Cut your own branch from master locally: git checkout -b name_of_your_branch OR git switch -c name_of_your_branch
2 To verify that you created the branch (your currently branch will appear in green) git branch
3 Make changes in your branch
4 Run git status (Changed files will appear in red)
To see the difference, you can also use git diff
5 Add ALL your changes to staging (git index) git add .
6 To check that you added all the changes git status (Updated files will be shown in green)
7 To add your changes from stage to your branch, type git commit -m “message_text_explaining_what_was_modified"
8 You could recheck the commit history by typing git log
9 Switch to master to update code on master branch: git checkout master AND git pull
10 Switch to your branch again: git checkout name_of_your_branch
11 To make sure there won't be any conflicts in your future PR (Pull Request) run command git merge master
12 Run project to double-check if it is not broken.
13 If there are no conflicts, you can push to GitHub. Being on your branch, type git push origin branch name_of_your_branch
14 Create a PR (Pull Request) on GitHub. Repeat steps 1-13 for each complete task. Or repeat steps 3-12 to update an existing task's PR.