Image loader is plugin that loads image selected by input file field without uploading it on server.
placeholder: '.image-placeholder'
- Selector in which image will be loaded
width: auto
- Width of loaded image
height: auto
- Height of loaded image
imgClass: 'img-load'
- Class that will be added to loaded image
method: 'html'
- Method that will be used to add image (html (default), append or css which will add image as background of placeholder)
callback: null
- If you want to make something happen after loading image, callback is function for that
$(function () {
var loader = new ImageLoader('input[type="file"]', {
placeholder: '.holder',
width: '200px',
imgClass: 'my-custom-class',
callback: function () {
console.log('image added to .holder');
Copyright (c) Aleksandar Goševski