The Gorpiper R package enables users to run GOR queries locally. See full documentation at and the open-source GORpipe official website.
To be able to run GOR queries locally using gorpiper
you will need to start by downloading and setting GOR up locally. See GOR-project's setup instructions.
Once GOR has been setup successfully you can install Gorpiper from CRAN
In this example we will cover how to run a simple GOR query locally using the gorpiper
Begin by loading the gorpiper
# install.packages('gorpiper')
For ease of use we recommend adding gorpipe to path. If gorpipe has been added to path we can access the path to gorpipe's binary file using
gorpipe_path <- Sys.which("gorpipe")
else, we need to set it manually in the following manner
gorpipe_path <- "~/gorscripts<version>-dist/bin/gorpipe>"
We create a gorpipe object by passing the path to the gorpipe binary, to the get_gorpipe
Now we are ready to successfully execute our GOR queries.
Below is an example of a query that creates test data, column rownum with values from 0 to 21. Then we calculate two columns, an integer division column called even
and then ??even_str
that gives "yes" for all instances where the value of even is exactly 1 and "no" otherwise.
gorpipe <- get_gorpipe(porpipe_path)
gorpipe("norrows 21 | calc even mod(rownum, 2) | calc even_str if(even==1,'yes','no')")
Now you should be all set to start using the gorpiper package, Happy GORing!