is a group of open source tools to help create experimental paradigms with jsPsych, simulate participants and standardize the data preparation and analysis. The final goal is to help you have the data preparation and analysis ready before collecting any real data, drastically reducing errors in your protocols, and making the move towards registered reports easier.
We have three main tools:
jsPsychMaker: Create experiments with jsPsych, randomize participants, balance between conditions, reuse already existing tasks, etc.
jsPsychMonkeys: Release monkeys to a jsPsych experiment with {targets}, docker and {RSelenium}
jsPsychHelpeR: Standardize and automatize data preparation, analysis and reporting of jsPsych experiments created with jsPsychMaker
Navarrete, G., & Valencia, H. (2023). Create experimental paradigms with jsPsych: Simulate Participants and Standardize the Data Preparation and Analysis, 1, 73. https://gorkang.github.io/jsPsychRmanual/, 10.5281/zenodo.8296995