Micronaut VS Spring Boot
Kirill Tolkachev @tolkv
Maxim Gorelikov @gorelikoff
Step with simple api endpoints by:
- SpringBoot
- Micronaut(groovy/java)
- Spring fu(java/kotlin)
- Spark
./cli.sh build
MEM=256 ./cli.sh runall
or you could use any of command that presented in cli.sh, but do not forget about MEM
If you are using Intellij Idea you can simply call any of the apps by scripts in http.requests
If you want to simply load apps you could use ./cli attack PORT_TO_ATTACK
Step with Spring Fu and Micronaut simple API projects built by GraalVM
./cli.sh graal_build
and make make a cup of coffer cause you need to wait for a while
./cli.sh graal_mn
to run micronaut built by GraalVM
./cli.sh graal_jafu
to run spring fu (Java version) built by GraalVM
Step with Mongo connectors for:
- SpringBoot(spring-data)
- Micronaut (GORM - Grails)
- Spark (default mongo client)
./cli.sh build
./cli.sh [boot_db, spark_db, mn_db]
Step with Cloud (Eureka) dependencies for:
- SpringBoot
- Micronaut
./cli.sh build
./cli.sh [boot,mn,mngroovy,boot_db, mn_db]
Step with Kafka and Redis dependencies for:
- SpringBoot
- Micronaut
Yeah, I know that Kafka is not actually MQ. At first it was Rabbit, but it is not supported at the moment %)
./cli.sh build
./cli.sh env
to run environment (mongo, kafka, redis)
spring cloud eureka
to run Eureka
./cli.sh demo
to run all apps
Now you can try it by
curl -XGET http://localhost:8083/iwantbeer/someone/1500
- to send the order
curl -XGET http://localhost:8083/buster
- to check the buster offers